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Lecture “Dynamics of Metasomathic Alterations in Lithospheric Mantle Material below the Avacinski-Koryakski group volcanos (Kamchatka peninsula)”

Belgrade , Serbia

The Mineralogy, Petrology, Geochemistry and Sedimentology Division of Serbian Geological Society will organize the Lecture “Dynamics of Metasomathic Alterations in Lithospheric Mantle Material below the Avacinski-Koryakski group volcanos (Kamchatka peninsula)”. The lecture will be held on the premises of the Department for Mineralogy, Crystalography, Petrology and Geochemistry on 22nd December 2017, at 2pm.

33rd Nordic Geological Winter Meeting

Copenhagen Copenhagen, Denmark

FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT & CALL FOR THEME SESSIONS It is our pleasure to announce the 33rd Nordic Geological Winter Meeting to be held at the Danish Technical University (DTU), Kgs. Lyngby, Copenhagen, Denmark – January 10-12, 2018 and organized by The Danish Geological Society. Information on registration and abstract submission is available here, but at this time […]

Irish Geosciences Early Career Symposium 2018 (iGEO2018)

National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG) Galway, Ireland

This 2 day event at the National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG) aims to provide early career geoscientists (ECGs) with an opportunity to collaborate and benefit from the multidisciplinary nature of research across Ireland. It will enable ECGs to exchange knowledge on common methodologies and about their research with fellow ECGs, industry members and policy makers. […]


Lithium: From Exploration to End-User

Burlington House 0BG, Piccadilly, London, United Kingdom

The understanding of the different deposit types for lithium, methods of processing, requirements of end-users, and potential long term environmental impacts of mining and using lithium are becoming increasingly important. This 2-day conference will bring together individuals from the full value chain of lithium including: industry, academia, exploration, mining, processing, end-users, policy makers and remediation.

GBPR20 – GBPR170

17th Geological Congress of Serbia

Hotel “Breza”, Vrnjačka Banja Serbia

The deadline for abstract submissions is 20 December, 2017. The congress topics are: Fundamental geological research (Mineralogy, Crystallography, Petrology and Geochemical analyses and prospection; Regional Geology and Paleontology); exploration and sustainable usage of mineral resources; geology and development of oil and gas deposits; hydrogeology research and solutions; engineering geology & geotechnical research and solutions; geophysical research and […]

EUR50 – EUR140

Earth Science Week: Earth Science in our Lives

Earth Science Week is an annual international celebration of the geology all around us. Through public events like geowalks, hands on activities, talks and open days, organisations and individuals aim to raise public awareness of geology and how it affects our lives. Coordinated by the American Geoscience Institute in the US, and the Geological Society of London […]

8th APG Annual Conference and related training courses

Lisbon , Portugal

The VIII APG Conference, which will focus on the theme "The new energy paradigm", will take place on February 22, 2019 at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon. In this edition we intend to approach the energy mix under different perspectives, by specialists with differentiated training, and discuss the role of each actor in the search […]

15th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece “Exploring and Protecting our Living Planet Earth”

Athens Athens, Greece

The International Congresses of the G.S.G. are multidisciplinary Earth science events, focusing on, but not limited to, the broader Aegean region and its surroundings, with the view to highlighting the contribution of geosciences to the study of the environment, natural resources and natural hazards. GSG 2019 aims at bringing together geoscientists from all over the world and providing […]

Potential and Limits of Geophysics for Mining Exploration

GALILEO-PARK Sauerland Pyramiden 4-7, Lennestadt/Meggen, Germany

Potential and Limits of Geophysics for Mining Exploration (5th Meggen Raw Material Days) September 13 EFG Endorsement Programme The worldwide mining exploration demands high quality and cost-effective geophysical methods. Nowadays, it is well understood that the application of one geophysical technique, only, is rarely sufficient to identify new ore deposits especially for deep mining projects. […]

Annual Conference: “Geology in the Green Mountains: Scenic Beauty and Economic Engine”

burlington Burlington, Vermont, United States

This year the 56th meeting of the American Institute of Professional Geologists National Conference is being held in the beautiful lakeside city of Burlington, Vermont. This years’ conference, “Geology in the Green Mountains: Scenic Beauty and Economic Engine” is being held from Saturday, September 14th through Tuesday, September 17th at the DoubleTree in Burlington, Vermont … […]

2020 National Geological Job Fair Belgium

Mons Mons, Belgium

The 2nd National Geological Job Fair by UBLG/BLUG and Geologica Belgica will be held on Friday 6 March 2020 in Mons. The event is organized for the benefit of geological oriented educations and employers and aims at bringing companies/organizations who employ or look for geologists and mining/geological engineers into contact with Master students and graduates. […]

Geopressure 2020: Managing uncertainty in geopressure by integrating geoscience and engineering

The organisers invite contributions within any aspect of geopressure but are particularly interested in the various phases of pore fluid pressure prediction, modelling and overpressure evaluation to manage uncertainty during the life cycle of a well. Suggested themes and sessions include: Pore pressure and stress, especially complex stress regimes Impact of machine learning on PPFG […]

Best practice geochemical (and structural) workflows for geologists, using ioGASTM

Espoo Espoo, Finland

EFG's Finnish member Geologiliitto organises a 2-day shortcourse on the theme: Best practice geochemical (and structural) workflows for geologists, using ioGAS. Trainers are Nick Oliver, Nick Cook and James Cleverley. The course is held in GTK HQ in Vuorimiehentie 5, Otaniemi, Espoo. More information

GeoUtrecht 2020

GeoUtrecht 2020 will be held as a virtual conference on 23–26th of August 2020. Due to the unusual circumstances, the organisers have worked out a solution to offer the meeting free of charge but still with a comprehensive program. This includes essentially all opportunities in the virtual conference environment which you are used to from […]

6th Meggen Raw Materials Days 2020

This year's event will be organised as an online conference. The BDG offers special registration rates for all EurGeol title holders. You may access the programme here.

Cities on Volcanoes 11. CoV11

Heraklion Heraklion, Greece

The hosting National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in collaboration with the Natural History Museum of Crete of the University of Crete invites the international scientific community and authorities that are involved in managing risks and hazards in volcanically active areas to participate in the Cities on Volcanoes 11 Conference to be held in Heraklion, […]

GSL: Virtual Careers Days 2020

The Geological Society's Careers Days programme provides geoscience undergraduates and postgraduates the perfect opportunity to find out about the latest developments and career opportunities for geoscientists. Over the course of four days, our dynamic virtual programme will include presentations covering a breadth of topics, led by representatives and professionals from industry and academia. Please find […]

Geothermal webinar


The webinar on geothermal energy is organised by the Official Spanish Association of Professional Geologists. The webinar will be in English and will take place on 21 October form 6:30 to 7:30 pm. Recently, the European Commission has asked member states to allocate the aid provided in the recovery fund to a total of seven […]

Kolloquium Forschungspartnerschaften Mineralrohstoffe

The Austrian Mining Society and the Austrian Federal Geological Survey are organising a virtual conference „Kolloquium Forschungspartnerschaften Mineralrohstoffe“ (in German) on November 5 and 6 2020. The programme is available here and registration is possible via the following link.

The role of subsurface research labs in delivering net zero: realising the potential of UKGEOS

The Geological Society, Burlington House

A range of energy resources, infrastructures and technologies are likely to be required as part of the transition to a low-carbon energy system and net zero. Many of these resources are likely to have impacts on, or implications for, the subsurface. Against this background, the purpose of the new £31 million UK Geo-energy Observatories (UKGEOS) […]

Core Values: the Role of Core in 21st Century Reservoir Characterisation

london , United Kingdom

Core has traditionally played a key role in the characterisation of conventional and unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs, from exploration to mature production. It is the only means by which to observe and make measurements on actual reservoir rock. However, the recent oil industry downturn has driven many to question the value of taking core, due to […]

Workshop ‘Mineral Standard Reporting and Competent Person’

On  24 June 2021, EFG is co-organising the workshop ‘Mineral Standard Reporting and Competent Person for the Sustainable Development and the Standardisation Process in the Mining Industry’. The workshop is especially addressing Italian geologists, as most of the presentations will be in Italian. Only two of the presentations will be delivered in English. The programme […]

L’hydrogène naturel : état de la recherche en France

L’H2 naturel est une nouvelle ressource énergétique décarbonée et renouvelable. Elle est désormais reconnue comme telle par certains pays, et labélisée H2 blanc dans le plan hydrogène de l’Allemagne, les projets d’exploration se multiplient. Néanmoins, beaucoup de points scientifiques restent à préciser. Génération, mode de transport et interactions, zones propices à son accumulation, méthodes d'exploration sont autant de sujets qui animent la recherche française en […]

Geosciences and the Energy Transition: Resources on a Finite Planet

The third of a series of webinars and meetings to assess and highlight the role of Geosciences in the Energy Transition (ET). Three webinars are being held in 2021 leading to a Discussion Meeting on the Energy Transition in April 2022. This third event is focused on strategic minerals, hydrocarbons and responsible recovery and the […]

Meggen Raw Materials Days

Meggen Meggen, Germany

The 7th edition of the Meggen Raw Materials Days will take place in Meggen and online. You can download the programme here.  

2020 AIPG National Annual Conference: Role of Geoscientists for Resiliency, Sustainability, and Opportunities in a Changing Environment

Sacramento Sacramento, CA, United States

Learn how your geoscience experiences and education fit into the American job market. A geoscientist's expertise has never been more appealing. Come and meet the professionals that are building resiliency into our country's resources and explore new work opportunities in the geoscience workforce. We intend to expand your knowledge-base so you can build a bigger […]

An introduction to the CRIRSCO family of reporting codes – with special reference to the PERC Reporting Standard 2021

In collaboration with the Geological Society of London, PERC is organising an online training course in February and March 2022. The course will consist of seven separate 1-hour sessions covering the topics listed below. The option to participate in individual sessions will be offered for those who are not interested in the full course. Course […]

QAQC Applications in Mineral Exploration

This is a course endorsed by EFG OA/QC APPLICATIONS IN MINERAL EXPLORATION To register for this course, please get in contact with MJD here: iletiş The course has two modules: The Art of Fire Assay and the QAQC Applications in Mineral Exploration Trainer: Lynda Bloom, M.Sc., P.Geo. Date: 11 March 2022 The Art of Fire Assay: […]

Energy Transition Discussion Meeting

The Energy Transition Discussion Meeting is a 2-day Hybrid conference which aims to identify what Geoscience needs to do now to meet the net zero targets in a fair and sustainable way - to support policy, business and innovation, and in parallel develop new scientific and engineering knowledge and solutions. It will connect and engage […]

Towards a revised Neogene stratigraphy of Belgium

Brussels, Belgium Brussels, Belgium

On Thursday 19 May 2022, the Subcommission for Paleogene and Neogene Stratigraphy organises a symposium ‘Towards a revised Neogene stratigraphy of Belgium’. An excursion is planned for 20 May. The venue of the symposium is the RBINS in Brussels and attendance is free of charge. It is an event for geologists, palaeontologists, citizen scientists and professionals with an interest in […]

BGR – GERRI Rohstoffkonferenz 2022. Rohstoffversorgung Deutschlands für die Transformation unserer Wirtschaft


Für die Erreichung der Klimaschutzziele der Bundesregierung, Europas und der internationalen Staatengemeinschaft sind enorme Anstrengungen in fast allen Wirtschaftssektoren, insbesondere im Bereich der Energieerzeugung und –bereitstellung, der Mobilität, des Bausektors und der Hüttenindustrie erforderlich. Diese grundlegende Transformation unserer Wirtschaft ist nur mit neuen Technologieentwicklungen und Innovationssprüngen zu erreichen, die zu erheblichen Nachfrageschüben auf den globalen […]

AIPG National Conference

Marquette Marquette, United States

This year’s meeting theme is “Geology: The Cornerstone of our Future”. Geology plays a significant role in today’s society and will become ever more important in the years to come. Our reliance on basic resources and building materials such as sand and gravel for roads, limestone for concrete, iron for structural purposes, and other base […]

Anniversary meeting of the Geological Society of Sweden

Uppsala Uppsala, Sweden

In 2021 it is 150 years since the Geological Society of Sweden was founded. We will commemorate this by organising an anniversary meeting to be held in Uppsala from 17–19  August 2021. Our ambition is that the meeting will be of interest to all geoscientists who are active in Sweden or that have an interest […]

8th Meggen Raw material days

This is a course endorsed by EFG The German Association of Professional Geoscientists, BDG, in cooperation with its Training Academy will organise the 8th Meggen Raw Material Days from 13 to 16 September 2022 in Lennestadt-Meggen. The event is an official training course for economic geologists and certified European Geologists and is recognised by EFG as an Endorsed […]

Mines and caves: geological and touristic heritage

Pulpi Pulpi, Spain

The Congress on Spanish Tourist Caves, a must for professionals in the world of subsurface tourism, celebrates its eighth edition in the Andalusian town of Pulpí. CUEVATUR is the meeting point and exchange of experiences of subsurface tourism professionals, a sector that has become an important sector of sustainable tourism and nature and heritage, as […]

1er Forum des Géosciences pour la Société

Société Géologique de France 77 rue Claude Bernard, Paris, France

"To answer to the necessary energy transition, the geosciences, from academic and entrepreneurial circles, occupy a central position thanks to their very wide range of disciplines (geothermy, mineral resources, hydrogeology, natural hazards...). Many of them are working on this transition and are proposing the beginnings of responses to these challenges, whether through advances in knowledge […]

Salt Diapirism and Sediment Interactions in Portugal Lusitanian & Algarve Basins

This is a course endorsed by EFG Content of the course: This 5-day field trip focuses on the main aspects of salt tectonics, particularly on diapirs and their interplay with sedimentary processes. Participants will observe structural and sedimentary features that are usually not detectable on seismic data. The onshore Algarve and Lusitanian basins located on the […]

SMART MONITORING: Automatic Monitoring Systems for Linear and Geotechnical Infrastructures

This course is endorsed by EFG. Content and objectives of the course: The main objectives are to address Automatic Monitoring Systems, within the scope of geotechnical risk management, and to provide trainees with the knowledge and skills necessary to develop automatic instrumentation plans and implement instrumentation systems. This course is aimed at professionals in the […]

Energy Geoscience Conference 2023: Powering the Energy Transition through subsurface collaboration

P&J Live Conference and Exhibition Venue Aberdeen

Geoscience underpins many aspects of the energy mix that fuels our planet and offers a range of solutions for reducing global greenhouse gas emissions as the world progresses towards net zero. The aim of this new Energy Geoscience Conference series is to explore and develop the contribution of geology and geophysics to the low-carbon energy transition. The […]

9th Meggen Raw material days on Tour

Meggen Meggen, Germany

This course is endorsed by EFG. Content of the course: 13th September - Fieldtrip: Introduction and excursions 14th September - Conference day: Raw Material projects in Germany and Europe 15th September - Short Course: A practical introduction to geochemical exploration targeting using exploratory data analysis About the short course (15th Sept): This short course will […]

IGI Conference: Climate & Sustainability – the responsibility of the Geoscientist

Dublin Dublin, Ireland

The Institute of Geologists of Ireland (IGI) are excited to announce their 2024 conference around the theme of Climate and Sustainability on 23 May and 24 May 2024. Geoscientists play a crucial role in addressing climate change and promoting sustainability through their interdisciplinary approach to understanding the Earth’s systems. The objective of the conference is […]

PERC training on International Mineral Reporting Standards

The Pan European Reserves and Resources Reporting Committee (PERC), in collaboration with the Consiglio Nazionale Dei Geologi (CNG) and EFG, is organising an online training course on International Mineral Reporting Standards on 4 and 5 June 2024. The 2-day course “Mineral Reporting Standards: Introduction to their principles and application” will be held as an online-only […]

10th Meggen Raw Materials Days

Lennestadt-Meggen Lennestadt-Meggen, Germany

The Meggen Raw Materials Days are an international conference on mineral resources and exploration. National and international mineral resources and exploration experts from organisations, authorities, politics, and the economy are gather to inform themselves and exchange views on current developments in the mineral resources sector. The 10th edition of the event will take place as […]