Official EFG Logos


Usage Policy

  • When used on the Web, the EFG logo must have an active link to the EFG website:
  • Please use only the image files available below – others might not be official EFG logos and might not represent the European Federation of Geologists.
  • The EFG logo should not be altered in any way that affects its legibility or makes recognition difficult. It must be used following the guidelines and colours stated in this page, and with the recommended backgrounds (when applicable). It must also be placed within a safe distance from other visual elements.
  • The logos may not be used to disparage EFG or its activities.

EFG Logo

Main version of the logo – which should be used in most situations:

JPG (Download here)

PNG (Download here)

Version of the logo for specific coloured dark backgrounds:

PNG (Download here)

Monochromatic version for specific coloured dark backgrounds:

PNG (Download here)

Colour Palette


Work Sans is the font to be used when possible for EFG products online and in print. It can be downloaded and installed from Google Fonts.

If Work Sans cannot be downloaded or it is not suitable, the font Calibri can be used instead. Calibri is the standard font for desktop publishing (Microsoft Word or Microsoft PowerPoint communications).