In the September 2022 edition of GeoNews, I would like to share some of my activities at EFG: EU Funded projects, organisational improvements, and training courses. All these require good team work, which is great at EFG!
One of the objectives of these contributions is to encourage interaction between readers and EFG. If you find any of the topics interesting and have something to add, collaborate or suggest, feel free to get in touch with us! Contact below
As Project Officer I am involved in EU-funded projects such as CROWDTHERMAL, ENGIE, SUMEX, and CRM-geothermal. Project implementation involves working with EFG’s National Associations, technical work, financial and project management.
As Innovation Lead, I am always looking for ways to improve our efficiency, either through workflows or IT. In this spirit, we are currently preparing the renewal of the EurGeol platform. My involvement has been on the software review side, identifying solutions that could bring the EurGeols a better user experience and open doors for new opportunities such as community building, training and more. We have also upgraded our IT workflows, acquiring Nextcloud for productivity and drafting an internal cybersecurity checklist. We annually do a YearCompass exercise to plan for the following year and evaluate our past one.
As for training, I am active in the EFG Business Development Unit. I am supporting the preparation of a new training initiative. My main task is to identify the best way of delivering this educational content while also working on the business plan, and the offering structure. We are excited to share more information about this soon!
Outside EFG, I most enjoy my time when I am with my wife and 9-month-old son, working on our new home, doing video- and photography projects, and planting Paulownia trees.
If any of the topics above interest you, including planting trees, please get in touch with me at I am looking forward to hearing your ideas!
Tamás Miklovicz