The 6th Meggen Raw Materials Days will take place from 16 to 18 September 2020. This year the conference will be online. The first and second day will be focusing on Raw Materials, Sustainability and Geologists in Public Perception with presentations on a wide range of related topics.

On 18 September, EurGeol Doctor Arda Arcasoy will give a short course on Mineral Exploration via Satellite Remote Sensing. Endorsed by the European Federation of Geologists, the seminar will explain the use of remote sensing and remotely sensed data in mineral exploration and geology. A general approach in mineral exploration will be adapted in satellite remote sensing with several techniques, especially in metallic mineral exploration. The participants will learn about the components of remote sensing, the application of satellite image processing techniques in different minerals, detection limits, statistical methods. The advantages and disadvantages of both satellite images and the detection techniques will be compared.

EurGeols can benefit from reduced registration fees.

Find more information and the preliminary programme here. For registering, please fill in the form enclosed in the programme and submit it to