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XI International Symposium on Environmental Engineering

Turin Turin, Italy

The Symposium will be organized by the Department of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering (DIATI) of Politecnico di Torino. The symposium leading theme is the enhancement of the environmental sustainability of anthropic activities concerning all the fields: water, soil and atmosphere. The Symposium program foresees the possibility of visits to treatment plants, in addition to EC […]

11th International Conference on Sustainable Development and Planning

A Coruña A Coruña, Spain

The 11th International Conference on Sustainable Development and Planning builds upon a series that started in 2003 in Skiathos, Greece, followed by other meetings in Bologna (2005), Algarve (2007), Cyprus (2009), New Forest – home of the Wessex Institute, UK (2011); Kos, Greece (2013), Istanbul (2015), Penang (2016), the University of the West of England […]

FRIAR 2020: 7th International Conference on Flood and Urban Water Management

Valencia Valencia, Spain

FRIAR 2020 is the seventh conference of this successful series. The conference started at the Institution of Civil Engineers in London 2008 and was reconvened in Milan in 2010, Dubrovnik in 2012, Poznan in 2014, Venice in 2016 and A Coruna 2018. Since 2012 a parallel seminar on the Design, Construction, Maintenance, Monitoring and Control […]

Water Pollution 2020: 15th International Conference on Monitoring, Modelling and Management of Water Pollution

Valencia Valencia, Spain

Water Pollution 2020 is the 15th International Conference in the series of Monitoring, Modelling and Management of Water Pollution. The conference, which has always been very successful, provides a forum for discussion amongst scientists, managers and academics from different areas of water contamination. The wealth of information exchanged in this international meeting continues to be […]

15th EWA Brussels Conference: The European Green Deal and Blue Challenges

Brussels, Belgium Brussels, Belgium

This online event is the first in the EWA online series: 'The European Green Deal and Blue Challenges' Flyer 27 October 2020:  Webinar 1: The European Green Deal and Blue Challenges 10 November 2020: Webinar 2: Research and Developments for the Water Environment 24 November 2020: Webinar 3: Water Framework Directive beyond 2027 8 December 2020: […]

GeoERA Webinar Series: Towards a Geological Service for Europe

Whether it concerns reliable energy supply, access to raw materials for products we use in our day-to-day activities, clean groundwater sustaining society and biodiversity but threatened by climate change or safety in urban areas, many solutions lie dormant under the Earth’s surface or are directly connected to the subsurface. The Geological Surveys of Europe are […]

AGU Fall meeting

Everyone is new to this year’s Fall Meeting because it’s the first one that’s 100% online. From the design, time zones, technology and privacy and security details, there was a collective effort to creating our #AGU20 virtual experience. Success depends on having the full meeting content available, session chairs and presenters helping lead discussions, and […]

SEG-AGU Advances in Distributed Sensing for Geophysics Virtual Workshop

Geophysical data acquisition is currently undergoing a quiet revolution driven by new advances in distributed sensing approaches based on fiber optics, inexpensive nodal systems, and ubiquitous sensors embedded in the Internet of Things. The commonality between these approaches is the capacity to economically conduct ultra-high-density measurements at scales above 1000 sensing locations, providing an unaliased […]

OECD Water Days

On the occasion of World Water Day 2021, under the theme of valuing water, OECD Water Days will comprise a series of virtual events to take place each day from 22-26 March.

vEGU21 – Gather online

The EGU General Assembly 2021 will bring together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience.

Webinar of the Introductory series to the International Conference: Groundwater, key to the Sustainable Development Goals

This webinar will be the first webinar of a series aiming at introducing the International Conference: Groundwater, key to the Sustainable Development Goals which will take place in May 18-20, 2022 – Sorbonne University Paris, through Keynotes on interconnectivity between the SDGs and the role of Groundwater. It will provide a chance to introduce the upcoming International Conference with different highlights on […]

EWA 40th Anniversary Water Online Conference on Micropollutants (EWA Spring Conference)

Micropollutants are a challenge for wastewater operators whose mission is to treat wastewater to ensure the protection of the environment and ecosystems. Moreover, it also important for drinking water operators who have to rely on drinking water resources to produce drinking water. The conference will discuss the European approaches to the challenges of these organic […]

1st IAHR Online Forum

The International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) launched the inaugural IAHR Online Forum, a new series of virtual events aimed at bringing together the community of hydro-environment professionals in the years in between the IAHR World Congresses by making the most of digital opportunities. The 1st IAHR Online Forum (International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research) will […]

International Symposium on Geofluids (vGeofluids21)

Significant geological resources were formed due to the interaction among fluids of different nature and the rocks forming the Earth crust. Research on geofluids has been evolving since the 1980s accompanied by a better understanding of Earth System Science in sustainable development. Since then, fluid geology holds increasing attention compare to traditional solid geology. The […]

vGeofluids21 Symposium

Significant geological resources were formed due to the interaction among fluids of different nature and the rocks forming the Earth crust. Research on geofluids has been evolving since the 1980s accompanied by a better understanding of Earth System Science in sustainable development. Since then, fluid geology holds increasing attention compare to traditional solid geology. The […]

36th International Geological Congress

Delhi Delhi, India

IGCs have come a long way since their inception in 1878 in Paris. We are, today, on the threshold of witnessing the 36th session of this prestigious global event. With less than a year’s time left for the Congress, the excitement among the geoscientists is strikingly visible and infectious. India, with the scientific support of […]

World Water Week 2021

World Water Week 2021 will take place 23-27 August 2021 under the theme Building Resilience Faster. It will be held entirely online, in a new, digital format designed to ensure that people across the world can collaborate to find solutions to the world’s greatest water-related challenges SIWI is now looking for high-quality academic abstracts to be […]

2020 AIPG National Annual Conference: Role of Geoscientists for Resiliency, Sustainability, and Opportunities in a Changing Environment

Sacramento Sacramento, CA, United States

Learn how your geoscience experiences and education fit into the American job market. A geoscientist's expertise has never been more appealing. Come and meet the professionals that are building resiliency into our country's resources and explore new work opportunities in the geoscience workforce. We intend to expand your knowledge-base so you can build a bigger […]

16th EWA Hybrid Brussels Conference on „Water in the Value Chain“

Brussels Brussels, Belgium

“Promoting new forms of collaboration with industry and investments in strategic value chains are essential” (citation Green Deal dated December 2019). However, time is running fast and a cross-sectoral collaboration is imperative in order to achieve a common strategy on the topic of water. The 16th EWA Brussels Conference will show some of the interdisciplinary initiatives and you […]

3rd Water JPI Conference

The transfer-oriented 3rd Water JPI Conference with the topic “From Research into Practice: pollutants, pathogens and antimicrobial resistances in the water cycle” is planned to be held in November 2021 as a hybrid conference. Due to the pandemics, only some participants will have the chance to take part physically at the event in Mülheim an der […]

PFAS: Challenges and solutions

Under the European Green Deal, the European Commission adopted the Zero Pollution Action Plan in May 2021 and the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability in October 2020. The strategies identify air, water and soil pollution as a threat for the environment, biodiversity and human health. PFAS is a group of persistent chemicals, commonly known as ‘forever […]

ISARM 2021 – 2nd International Conference on Transboundary Aquifers

Paris Paris, France

Overview of the challenges and way forward into addressing transboundary aquifers management Groundwater is the most abundant source of freshwater worldwide. This makes it crucial to socio-ecological systems and the source of at least half of the planet population. There are 366 transboundary aquifers identified, and 226 transboundary “groundwater bodies”, underlying almost every country. Transboundary aquifers […]

Strategies toward Green Deal Implementation Water, Raw Materials & Energy

The purpose of the International Conference on Strategies toward Green Deal Implementation – Water, Raw Materials & Energy (ICGreenDeal2021) is to present the issue of climate change and ways to prevent it eg. innovative solutions (technological, environmental, economic, and social) that can be implemented under the Green Deal Strategies. We invite you to submit papers in the field […]

GeoERA Concluding Conference & 125th Anniversary of the Geological Survey of Belgium

Brussels, Belgium Brussels, Belgium

GSB 125th Anniversary The Geological Survey of Belgium, now part of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, was established in December of 1896. Throughout that long history it has persistently been building expertise, preserving knowledge, and above all serving society. This was the stable foundation for what has proven to be a highly dynamic mission. […]

11th International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge

Longbeach Longbeach, California, United States

ISMAR11 includes a full day of pre-conference workshops, three days of technical sessions, plenary sessions, awards luncheon, field trips and great networking, socializing, and entertainment opportunities.

Groundwater, key to the Sustainable Development Goals

Paris Paris, France

The "Agenda 2030" and the "Sustainable Development Goals" (SDGs), multinational and multilateral roadmaps, constitute a great message of hope for the future of human societies and terrestrial ecosystems, currently facing the impacts of global change. Water is part of the 2030 Agenda in particular through SDG 6. Within this framework, groundwater resources (GWR) have also a key […]

EGU 2022 General Assembly

Vienna, Austria Vienna, Austria

Taking place on 3-8 April the EGU 2022 General Assembly, will bring together geoscientists from all over the world for an hybrid meeting covering all disciplines in the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. EGU aims to provide a welcoming, inclusive, and safe forum where scientists, especially early career scientists, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts […]

Water Safety Conference

The IWA-WSC2022 will bring together leading international experts from academia, industry, government, policymakers/authorities and other organizations to actively exchange, share, and challenge state-of-the-art research on water safety that could contribute practical knowledge in the implementation of WS to the key stakeholders involved in providing safe drinking water. Water Safety Plans are widely recognized as the […]

Extractive Industry Geology 2022

Exeter Exeter, United Kingdom

The Extractive Industry Geology (EIG) conference is one of the longest running and most keenly anticipated events in the UK minerals industry calendar. Organised by a passionate volunteer group of professionals representing all aspects of the industry, this is one conference that anyone connected to UK minerals should not miss! The EIG Conference is the […]

AIPG National Conference

Marquette Marquette, United States

This year’s meeting theme is “Geology: The Cornerstone of our Future”. Geology plays a significant role in today’s society and will become ever more important in the years to come. Our reliance on basic resources and building materials such as sand and gravel for roads, limestone for concrete, iron for structural purposes, and other base […]

Anniversary meeting of the Geological Society of Sweden

Uppsala Uppsala, Sweden

In 2021 it is 150 years since the Geological Society of Sweden was founded. We will commemorate this by organising an anniversary meeting to be held in Uppsala from 17–19  August 2021. Our ambition is that the meeting will be of interest to all geoscientists who are active in Sweden or that have an interest […]

World Water Week 2022

Stockholm Stockholm, Sweden

World Water Week 2022 will take place 23 August to 1 September 2022 online and in Stockholm under the theme "Seeing the unseen: The value of water". This new format will offer opportunities to connect face to face and online to engage audiences worldwide. s and join us in addressing the world’s most pressing challenges. […]

49th IAH Congress: Groundwater Sustainability & Poverty Reduction


The theme of the 49th IAH Congress is “Groundwater Sustainability and Poverty Reduction”. Poverty reduction is a top priority for most countries in the world. Unfortunately, most of the poor countries and regions have been faced with serious problems of water scarcity and contamination. It is the mission and ultimate responsibility of the international community […]

2022 Conference of the International Mine Water Association

Christchurch Christchurch, New Zealand

Our programme will include the broad water management themes typical of an IMWA congress and we will be showcasing our world leading research and deployment of innovative passive treatment technologies, excellence in waste rock and tailings storage, world class surface water and groundwater prediction and monitoring along with spectacular geochemistry.

EFG Webinar: Tackling the 21st Century Water Quality Challenges for Managed Aquifer Recharge

On 15 November 2022, the European Federation of Geologists (EFG) is organising the webinar ‘Tackling the 21st Century Water Quality Challenges for Managed Aquifer Recharge‘. The event is scheduled for 13:00 – 14:00 CET (Brussels time). The presenter of the webinar will be Dr Yan Zheng, Chair Professor at the Southern University of Science and […]


MedGU Annual Meeting

Marrakesh Marrakesh, Morocco

MedGU-22 WILL GO AHEAD IN-PERSON & ONLINE THIS NOVEMBER IN MARRAKECH. After the remarkable successes of the 1st CAJG, 2nd CAJG and 3rd CAJG, it became obvious that there was a need to create a larger and more comprehensive international geoscience conference, one that would bring together even more participants from all over the world and cover a wide range of topics from all the […]

iCRAG 2022

Hogan Mezzanine Croke Park Stadium Jones' Road Dublin 3, Dublin, United Kingdom

iCRAG 2022 provides a unique opportunity to connect, explore and discover recent work by some of the 150 iCRAG researchers across 8 Irish research institutions, in collaboration with over 60 industry, academic and government partners. The theme for this event, “Making a Difference”, encapsulates iCRAG’s commitment to creating solutions for a sustainable society. This one-day […]

3rd International Conference: Strategies toward Green Deal Implementation Water, Raw Materials & Energy


We cordially invite you to continue the success of the Green Deal conferences which gathered over 1 500 Participants from all over the world in 2020 (IC Green Deal 2020) and 2021 (IC Green Deal 2021), we decided to organise the 3rd edition of the International Conference - Strategies toward Green Deal Implementation - Water, […]

Water: strategic and vital resource

This course is endorsed by EFG. Objectives: The " strategic and vital resource" course integrated in the Thematic Year of Water, will constitute a forum for discussion on the multiple aspects of water and its role as a strategic and vital resource. At this event, the aim is also to discuss how geoscientists can play […]

Nordic Geological Winter Meeting

Gothenburg , Sweden

For the 36th time, geologists from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden will gather for the biennial Nordic Geological Winter Meeting. The meeting returns to Gothenburg from 10-12 January 2024, where the very first NGWM was held in 1954. Check the conference programme: EFG is proud to be a media partner of the event and we […]

IGI Conference: Climate & Sustainability – the responsibility of the Geoscientist

Dublin Dublin, Ireland

The Institute of Geologists of Ireland (IGI) are excited to announce their 2024 conference around the theme of Climate and Sustainability on 23 May and 24 May 2024. Geoscientists play a crucial role in addressing climate change and promoting sustainability through their interdisciplinary approach to understanding the Earth’s systems. The objective of the conference is […]

EFG Academy: Environmental Geochemistry for the Mine Project Life Cycle

Join the "Environmental Geochemistry for the Mine Project Life Cycle" workshop organised by the EFG Academy. This virtual course includes four two-hour sessions over four weeks, starting Tuesday, 1st October, 15:00-17:00 CEST. Learn about acid generation, metals leaching, and environmental regulations. Ideal for geologists, environmental scientists, geochemists, and mine professionals. Enhance your skills in predicting […]