EFG response to proposed Industrial Carbon Management Strategy

The European Federation of Geologists (EFG) welcomes the European Commission’s recent public consultation on an Industrial Carbon Management Strategy (CFE (2023) 3659176).

EFG has identified several themes within the pending initiative where we would like to provide some specific recommendations concerning the deployment of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCUS):

  • Opportunities to store carbon dioxide safely in depleted gas fields are being lost because European governments are failing to halt decommissioning of oil and gas (O&G) infrastructure. The decommissioning of the Kinsale Head Gasfield (KHGF) in Ireland is one example.
  • The European Commission should make each state responsible for identifying and maintaining CO2 storage potential within their jurisdiction where it exists in the interests of all members of the EU.
  • Use the know-how of well-standing industries. EC should facilitate the conversion of old industrial projects into more clean solutions, e.g. depleted fields of O&G to be converted into CO2 sinks.
  • It is virtually impossible to achieve the net zero target without Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). CO2 capture and storage should become a regular practice around European industrial areas.
  • Speed up administrative procedures to incorporate cleaner solutions such as hydrogen into European legislation.

In addition to those specific recommendations, EFG also emphasises:

  • The central role a dedicated public relations effort should play to support any strategy.
  • The need for national governments to adequately allocate resources to invest in geoscience education from an early age through university to avoid the risk of an insufficient talent pipeline and skills pool in the field of carbon storage.

Read our full position here.