Registration now open for UNFC workshop // 16 November 2018 // 9:00 – 13:00 // Brussels
About the workshop
The United Nations Framework Classification for Resources (UNFC) is an important tool for natural resource management that can harmonise data from different classification and reporting standards and hence make a significant contribution in attaining some of the Sustainable Development Goals. Organised in the framework of the EU Raw Materials Week, the workshop on the “UN Framework Classification for Sustainable Resources Management in Europe” will show how UNFC could help to consolidate EU level data and information on mineral reserves and resources, present relevant case studies and discuss plans for its implementation in Europe.
Who should attend?
The workshop provides a unique opportunity to discuss a transparent and harmonised classification framework for mineral raw materials in a cross-disciplinary environment and is particularly relevant for EU policymakers, national government officials, academics, energy and minerals company executives, as well as finance, industry and environment experts.
High-level speakers
Milan Grohol (European Commission, DG GROW)
Rodrigo Chanes-Vincente (European Commission, DG GROW)
Charlotte Griffiths (UNECE)
Sigurd Heiberg (UNECE)
Hôtel Le Plaza Bruxelles
Boulevard Adolphe Max 118-126
1000 Brussels, Belgique
To register for this workshop, please visit http://eurawmaterialsweek.eu/register.asp
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
European Commission
European Federation of Geologists (EFG)
EuroGeoSurveys (EGS)