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Artisanal and Small-scale Mining (ASM) represents the majority of the workforce engaged in mining activities worldwide. While it is often seen as an informal subsistence activity for local communities, ASM is actually very well integrated in the global metal supply chain. This kind of mining operation is sometimes referred to as the most ‘sustainable’ socio-economic way of exploiting metal ores against its depletion, while it also can cause enormous uncontrolled health and environmental impacts that affect workers and local communities.
This webinar presents one case study of ASM and discusses the local impacts and how their integration in the international market could be a lever to engage other stakeholders towards positive change through enhanced due diligence, monitoring and collaboration.
Speakers: Prof Erik Smolders (KU Leuven), Boris Verbruggen (KU Leuven) & Alberto Vázquez Ruiz (CATAPA).
Moderator: Piet Wostyn (KU Leuven)