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From Space to field: Application of recent technologies to field structural geological mapping

26th October 2023 @ 8:00 am - 28th October 2023 @ 5:00 pm


This course is endorsed by EFG.

This 3 day course introduces the potential of using virtually free publicly available remote sensing data and related tools / softwares /apps to assist structural geological interpretation and mapping, as an integrated method to be used both in the office and field. During the first two days, main data types and techniques used in remote sensed structural interpretation will be presented, for both compressional and extensional geological settings.
Theoretical concepts will be illustrated by presenting real examples. Practical hands-on interpretation exercises will be followed to consolidate aspects learned. The methodology for creating geological maps and converting these into formats that can be used in tablets and smartphones will be demonstrated. On the third day, participants will test the field usage of t maps created and converted during the course. This will allow ground check/confirmation of previously interpreted data and for collection of new field info. The instructor has two decades of experience in the application of these methodologies, having already presented and taught this topic on several occasions. In 2015, the course was presented to the Association of Portuguese Geologists where it was then certified by the European Federation of Geologists.

Registration form:

Objectives of the course:

Introduction to satellite data & associated methodologies
– Types of satellite data used in geological mapping;
– Public domain satellite data sources;
– Methodologies and workflows.

Tectonic regimes and its expression on satellite imagery
– Identifying extensional regimes on satellite imagery and practical interpretation exercises on satellite imagery
– Identifying compressional regimes on satellite imagery and practical interpretation exercises on satellite imagery

Practical Exercises: Data compilation and preparation for fieldwork.
– Introduction to GIS freewares and softwares; Satellite data loading and map geo-referencing in GIS and Google Earth;
– Extracting geological information from maps in GIS and Google Earth (creating layers, shapefiles, placemarks, importing shapefiles);
– Geological interpretation and identification of areas of interest;
– Fieldwork planning and data export into GPS;

Field training
-Creation of tracklog for the journey/ fieldwork;
– Observe the geological structure identified and compiled on previous days using of satellite imagery and geological maps.
– Observe the main geomorphological aspects: Satellite Vs Field.
– Use GPS to search in the field where are located previously identified areas of interest.
– Collect data in the areas of interest and add it into GPS and export them into GIS.

Language: Portuguese.

Course fees:

APG Members & EurGeol 200,00 €
Non-members 300,00 €
Students (APG Members) 85,00 €
Students 150,00 €


26th October 2023 @ 8:00 am
28th October 2023 @ 5:00 pm
Event Categories:
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Associação Portuguesa de Geólogos


Museu Geológico do LNEG | Rua da Academia das Ciências, nº19 – 2º 1249-280 Lisboa
Rua da Academia das Ciências, nº19 - 2º
Lisbon, 1249-280 Portugal