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The EU-Africa Business Summit is an event organised by European Business Summits to promote the voices of enterprises in Europe and Africa. This event is independent from the EABF organised by the European Commission and the African Union.
The fourth edition of the EU-Africa Business Summit, held in a new hybrid format, will seek answers to the most critical economic challenges shaping the shared future of both continents by bringing influential business leaders, policymakers and experts together. Thanks to its role of stable North gate to the African continent, Morocco continues to represent the perfect host of the Summit within the renewed EU-Africa Alliance.
After the interruption due to the Covid pandemic, EU and African companies cannot miss the chance to resume their business relations and take them to the next level. This ambitious Summit will position itself in this framework, providing a privileged debating and networking platform to directly engage in finding answers to the most crucial challenges. In particular, the participants will address the topics of Africa’s Value Chain Expansion, Healthcare Innovation, Digital Transformation and Clean Energy Transition.
The aim of the event is to bring politics and business together in order to provide them with an opportunity to debate and pursue their common goals. For the future of EU and Africa to be mutually prosperous, all actors must be involved in creating a new alliance based on fair and sustainable partnerships.