EFG and the EU Raw Materials Week


The EFG autumn Council meeting is held this year in the aftermath of the Raw Materials Week, on 11 and 12 November, in order to facilitate the participation of the EFG community in the events organised during this week. 


The second edition of the EU Raw Materials Week


Following the success of the first edition of the Raw Materials Week, the second edition will take place in Brussels from Monday 6 to Friday 10 November 2017. It will be a great opportunity for the raw materials community to discuss and exchange on all relevant issues: policy, technology, international cooperation, framework conditions, etc. The Raw Materials Week is centred around a series of events organised by the European Commission, addressing the latest news regarding raw materials in the EU. The main programme counts with the following events:

7 November

  • EU advanced mining countries conference – Sustainable and responsible sourcing and mining (registration opens soon)
  • Critical raw materials event – register for the event

8 November

9 November

Further details about these events will be published shortly on the DG Grow website at: http://ec.europa.eu/growth


EFG Participation in the Raw Materials Week


Thanks to the involvement in several EU funded projects, EFG will be represented at the Raw Materials Week at different occasions and is happy to invite its members and other interested parties to participate in the following two major events: the launch of the International Raw Materials Observatory and the MINATURA2020 final conference. Accordingly, the EFG autumn Council meeting is held this year, in the aftermath of the Raw Materials Week, on 11 and 12 November, in order to facilitate the participation of the EFG community in the events organised during this week.


INTRAW consortium meeting

6 November 2017

12:00-13:00 – Lunch (Geological Survey of Belgium)

13:00-18:00 – Consortium meeting (Museum of Natural Sciences, Meeting room Gilson (Vestel niv1))

19:00 – Get-together dinner

Registration link (only for INTRAW consortium, Joint Panels of Experts and EFG Linked Third Parties)

INTRAW – Launch of the International Raw Materials Observatory

7 November 2017, Le Plaza Hotel, Brussels

The EU-funded INTRAW project has been set up to map and develop new cooperation opportunities for the EU, related to raw materials in technologically advanced countries such as Australia, Canada, Japan, the Republic of South Africa and the United States (the Reference Countries), addressing:

  • Research and innovation;
  • Raw materials policies and strategies
  • Joint educational and skills programmes;
  • Licensing and permitting procedures, royalties and tax policies;
  • Data reporting systems;
  • Exploration, extraction, processing and recycling practices; and
  • Management and substitution of Critical Raw Materials.

The outcome of the mapping and knowledge transfer activities that have been conducted in the first two project years will be used as a baseline to set up and launch the International Raw Materials Observatory as a definitive raw materials intelligence infrastructure.

This Observatory will be officially launched during a morning session of the EU advanced mining countries conference on 7 November 2017.

In addition, as one of the services the Observatory will provide in the future, an international match-making session between industry and research organisations active in the raw materials sector will be organised at the end of this Conference (17:00-19:00).

Registration: https://eu-advanced-mining-countries-conference-2017.b2match.io/signup

INTRAW – Joint Panels of Experts meeting and open roundtable

8 November 2017, Metropole Hotel, Brussels

Following the Observatory’s launch, the experts of INTRAW’s Panels of Experts will gather on Wednesday morning in order to provide their feedback and discuss further steps for the project and the Observatory.

Registration link (only for INTRAW consortium, Joint Panels of Experts and EFG Linked Third Parties)

In the afternoon (14:00-15:30) an open roundtable discussion is scheduled with the aim of discussing the challenges of international collaboration on mineral raw materials. The roundtable is co-organised by the International Raw Materials Observatory and FORAM Project.

Registration link

The EU Raw Materials Knowledge Base in support of EU Raw Materials policy

An event organised by DG Joint Research Centre, European Commission

9 November 2017, Le Plaza Hotel 

The Raw Materials Knowledge Base (EU-RMKB) and, at its core, the European Commission’s Raw Materials Information System (EC RMIS) provide key data and knowledge needs to the European Commission, Member States, business and the research community. The EC RMIS, as it was designed by the Commission’s JRC, provides the vital interface between policy support needs and the EURMKB; facilitating the harmonised availability of key data and analyses, highlighting priority needs, as well as contributing to coordinated dissemination. Data and analyses are provided by a variety of sources, facilitating criticality analyses for the EC and within the community, supporting the Raw Materials Scoreboard, providing key insights into the potential for a circular economy, providing background for trade negotiations, as well as increasingly supporting greening the single market and upholding social values.

This workshop will focus on:

  • The importance of data and knowledge provision by different stakeholders, including H2020 projects, and of knowledge management to the making of EU raw materials policies;
  • An overview of existing data and statistics at international, European and national levels will be given with a strong focus on what are the key needs and gaps.
  • As a vital instrument for policy-making and decision-making in the raw materials sector, the enhanced version of EC RMIS will be launched and presented with a comprehensive explanation of its scope, functionalities, and opportunities for interaction.
  • A few important European-funded recent projects in the field of raw materials will also reveal their contributions to the EU-RMKB.

At this occasion, EFG President and INTRAW project coordinator Vitor Correia will provide a talk about the International Raw Materials Observatory.

You can see the full programme here.

Registration link

MINATURA2020 final conference

10 November 2017, Le Plaza Hotel, Brussels

The MINATURA2020 project, a consortium of 24 partners from 19 European countries, is focusing on the key issue of competing land-uses. It seeks to contribute to the improvement of planning processes with a view to integrating spatial and mineral planning so as to avoid the sterilisation of nationally, internationally and locally important minerals by other development, thereby safeguarding present and future access to mineral resources or expediting its extraction to allow other land-uses to follow.

The project organises its final conference on 10 November 2017. The aim of the conference is to strengthen the trans-European cooperation between stakeholders, to share information and to discuss the practical implementation of the developed framework and guidance relating to Mineral Deposits of Public Importance.

More information and registration: http://minatura2020.eu/minatura2020-final-conference/

EFG Panels of Experts coordinator meeting

10 November 2017, Geological Survey of Belgium

The coordinators of EFG’s 10 Panels of Experts are invited to gather on 10 November 2017. The aim of this meeting is to enhance the dialogue between the different panels and create synergies.

Registration for this event upon invitation. 

EFG Council meeting

11-12 November 2017, Geological Survey of Belgium

The autumn Council meeting of the European Federation of Geologists will be held on 11 and 12 November 2017 at the Geological Survey of Belgium (Rue Jenner 13).

This event is for EFG delegates only.  

Registration link

Hotel reservation for EFG delegates and experts:

Observatory launch, EU-RMKB & MINATURA2020 final conference

Le Plaza Hotel Brussels: Boulevard Adolphe Max 118 – 126 – 1000 Brussels

INTRAW – Joint Panels of Experts meeting and open roundtable

Hotel Metropole: Place de Brouckère 31 – 1000 Brussels

EFG Panels of Experts meeting & EFG Council meeting 

Geological Survey of Belgium: Rue Jenner 13 – 1000 Brussels



Pierangelo Bianco, EFG Administrative Support Officer

Email: pierangelo.bianco@eurogeologists.eu

Phone: +32 2 788 76 31

H2020 raw materials projects with EFG participation