Delegates of the European Federation of Geologists (EFG) gathered on Pico Island, in the Azores, on 21 and 22 May 2022 for the 80th EFG Council meeting. This was the first occasion for a face-to-face meeting since November 2019 and offered the opportunity to review the progress on actions.

The terms of the Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary-General having come to an end, the meeting involved elections for these positions.
Iris Vukovic from the Serbian Geological Society was unanimously reelected as the EFG Vice-President for another two-year term.
Pablo Núñez Fernandez was the only candidate for the Treasurer’s position and he was also elected unanimously.
Pablo Núñez’s professional career has been devoted to the fields of geotechnical engineering and geological research for the development of mining projects. He has been active in community outreach to engage citizens and local authorities having frequently appeared in Galician and Spanish media. He is one of the founders of the Galician Sustainable Mining Initiative and is currently in charge of Institutional Relations for an Atalaya Mining company project.
In addition, he is the Galician representative to the Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Geólogos of Spain (the official national association of professional geologists) and he is also on the communications committee of the Galician Chamber of Mining.
Pablo is finishing his PhD studies at the Universidad de Oviedo with research on VMS-type deposits.

Two candidates applied for the Secretary General position: David Govoni (CNG) and Magnus Johansson (Geosektionen/Naturvetana). The outcome of the elections was tight and Magnus Johansson was elected with 57 % of the votes.

Magnus Johansson’s professional career has been within the field of industrial minerals, mining and environmental consulting. He currently holds a position as senior geologist at the Swedish Geological Survey where he is working with raw materials supply, industrial minerals, physical planning, public outreach and mining tailings dam safety.
He has been working in several European countries and graduated with a double master in Geology and Physical Geography from the university of Hannover, Germany. In addition, he holds the certified title of European Geologist.
Magnus is chairman of Geosektionen, the Geoscience branch of the trade union Naturvetarna (the Swedish Association of Professional Scientists). Through the years he has been engaged in promoting Geoscience in the wider society and Magnus is an active member of EFG.
The EFG Board and Secretariat thank Past Treasurer Ruth Allington and Past Secretary General Gabriele Ponzoni for their dedicated work and commitment throughout the past years and congratulate Iris, Pablo and Magnus on their election as EFG Board members.