IGI launches educational resources to support learning

IGI launches educational resources to support learning The Institute of Geologists of Ireland (IGI) wants to ensure that members of the public have access to facts on the critical role of mineral exploration and mining to our sustainable future. The IGI, the...

The Glaciers of the Pyrenees

The Glaciers of the Pyrenees The Pyrenees mountain range is a geographical feature located in southwestern Europe, lying across the border between Spain, France and Andorra (Figure 1). The range runs from the Atlantic Ocean (Gulf of Biscay) to the Mediterranean Sea...

In between Barrandian and eternity

In between Barrandian and eternity A STORY OF MY GRANDFATHER JIŘÍ KOVANDA AND HIS GREAT FRIEND VOJEN LOŽEK In the past months, I have been in touch with more librarians and their institutions than ever before. My reasoning was simple, I wanted to help my grandfather...

Good expectations for Earth science communication

Good expectations for Earth science communication The time of a science confined to its ivory towers, reduced to production and solitary research is over. I usually tell our scientists that if they are here, at the Spanish Geological Survey (IGME), it is because they...

Communicating geoscience: time to do better

Communicating geoscience: time to do better Geoscientists make up quite a unique community. We are commonly perceived as outdoorsy and observant (and strangely interested in decorative boulders or pavement rocks), which is not a bad generalisation, but that certainly...