Germany 2018
EuroWorkshop: Meggen Days of Mineral Resources
12-14 September 2018
Lennestadt-Meggen, Germany
Berufsverband Deutscher Geowissenschaftler e.V. (BDG), TRACTO-TECHNIK, Sachtleben Bergbau Verwaltungs-GmbH and European Federation of Geologists (EFG).
The third EuroWorkshop “Meggen Days of Mineral Resources” organised by the Professional Association of German Geoscientists (BDG) and TRACTO-TECHNIK will take place from the 12th to the 14th of September in Lennestadt-Meggen (Germany).
On the first day, there will be a workshop covering the basic principles and rules of application of United Nations Framework Classification for Resources (UNFC). Following this, a conference on “Mineral Commodities” will be held on the 13th of September and another one on “Mining in Central Europe – Changes and Challenges” the last day.
Wednesday, September 12th 2018
Short course on the Application of the United Nations Framework Classification (UNFC) for Comprehensive Resource Management
9:45 am – 5:00 pm
The workshop will cover the basic principles and rules of application of United Nations Framework Classification for Resources (UNFC). UNFC provides a single framework to build global energy and mineral studies, analyze government policies, plan industrial processes and allocate capital efficiently. UNFC applies to minerals, petroleum, nuclear fuel resources, renewable energy resources, injection projects for geological storage of CO2, and anthropogenic resources. UNFC helps in the efficient channeling of capital investments to regions where they are required while satisfying the social and environmental requirements. UNFC ensures that investments bring positive outcomes for society and not just profits for the companies. The workshop will also consider application examples and case studies.
Harikrishnan Tulsidas United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Switzerland Sigurd Heiberg PETRAD, Norway
Thursday, September 13th 2018
Conference on Mineral Commodities
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Annual meeting of the BDG-Forum of raw material Geologists and European Geologists
Raw Materials for Future Technologies and Developments in Global Commodity Markets (Dr. Volker Steinbach, BGR, Hannover)
Financing Opportunities for International Mining Projects (Tim Langenbach, KfW Bank, Frankfurt)
The Raw Material Observatory (Vítor Correia, EFG, Brüssel)
The UNECE Raw Material Policy (Harikrishnan Tulsidas, UNECE Schweiz)
The African Geologist – Education, Certification and Professional Practice (Prof. Gbenga Okunlola, Geological Society of Africa)
Mineral Resources Studies and their Technical and Economical Due Diligence (EurGeol. Nikolaus Linder, Fichtner Water & Transportation GmbH, Essen)
Public Financed Exploration (Dr. Thomas Gutschlag, Deutsche Rohstoff AG, Mannheim)
The Competent Person between Qualification and Competence (Ed Swindell, Geological Society of South Africa)
The new Russian resource and reserve classification for oil and gas in comparison to other international reporting rules (EurGeol. Olaf Klarner, Klarenco LLc, Moskau)
Friday, September 14th 2018
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Conference on Mining in Central Europe – Changes and Challenges
The resurrection of ore and spar mining in Saxony (Oberberghauptmann Prof. Dr. Bernhard Cramer, Sächs. Oberbergamt, Freiberg)
Implementation of PERC Standard in Cement Industry – An Opportunity (EurGeol. Dr. Michael Bindig, HeidelbergCement AG, Heidelberg)
The European Flourite and Barite Industry – Applications, Sourcing and Processing (Moritz Ostenrieder, Sachtleben Minerals GmbH & Co. KG, Hausach)
Basalt Mining and its Resource Estimation (Christoph Aumüller, Basalt AG, Linz)
Raw Material Recovery with large HDD Technics (Methane & Oil Sands) (Dr. Hans-Joachim Bayer, Tracto-Technik GmbH & Co. KG, Lennestadt)
3D-Seismik zur Erkundung von tiefliegenden Erzlagerstätten (Dr. Dirk Orlowsky und Prof. Dr. Bodo Lehmann DMT, Essen)
The Vosges Mountains – an overlooked European Sn-W-LCT province (EurGeol. Benedikt Steiner,, Großbritannien)
Raw Materials production in Austria (Prof. Dr. Frank Melcher, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria)
Generating Value from Used Drill Muds (EurGeol. MBA Andreas Hagedorn, Beermann Umwelttechnik GmbH, Hörstel-Riesenbeck)
Sauerland Pyramiden 4-7
57368 Lennestadt/Meggen, Germany
–12 September 2018 9:45 am – 5:00 pm: Short course on “UNFC classification scheme plus case studies”
(Registration fee 258 EUR / EurGeol fee 208 €)
-12 September 2018: Barbecue
–13 September 2018 9:00 am – 5:00 pm: Conference Day on “Mineral Commodities”
(Registration fee 258 EUR / EurGeol fee 208 €)
-13 September 2018: Dinner
(25 EUR / person)
–14 September 2018 9:00 am – 4:00 pm: Conference Day “Mining in Germany – Changes and Challanges”
(Registration fee 258 EUR / EurGeol. fee 208 €)
Coffee and lunch is included in the fee.
Special reductions for students are available on request.
Every day can be booked separately. When booking multiple events at the 4th Meggen Resource Days the subscriber fee will be reduced by 50% per additional booked event. Participation is limited.
10 % early bird rebate by registration before 15 June 2018
Deadline for registration: 15 August 2018
If you attend the EuroWorkshoo you will be awarded with 1.5 CPD points per hour.
Please to register fill in this document and send it to