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EFG Webinar: New horizons for geotechnics – the story of Zero Terrain


On 14 October 2021, the European Federation of Geologists (EFG) is organising the webinar ‘New horizons for geotechnics – the story of Zero Terrain‘. The event is scheduled for 5 – 6 PM CEST (Brussels time). The transition to renewable energy is inevitable and, geotechnics has an important role to play in this transformation. In […]


The IEAGHG Post Combustion Capture Conference (PCCC) series has established itself as the world’s leading conference series addressing post combustion CO2 capture. Each conference is dedicated to sharing and publicising progress on all aspects of the technology, from innovative research to demonstration and beyond, from new and improved solvents to novel separation technologies, from technology cost […]

EU Soil Observatory Stakeholders Forum

The Joint Research Centre (JRC) is organising the first ever EUSO Stakeholders Forum. This three-day event (built on six, focused, half-day sessions) will reflect the challenges facing soil within the various strategies of the Green Deal (e.g. the Soil, Biodiversity and Farm2Fork strategies, Zero Pollution Action Plan) and Horizon Europe’s proposed Mission on Soil Health […]

The Clean Energy Transition: From Vision to Reality

Decarbonising our economy and avoiding the worst effects of climate change requires us to stop adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Energy is a key piece of this puzzle. However, the technical challenges associated with the transition are just one factor in the equation. If we are serious about becoming a climate-neutral society, a comprehensive […]

Accelerating financing for climate and disaster risk prevention and de-risking investment

The COVID-19 pandemic and climate crisis has demonstrated that governments are critically under-prepared to tackle the systemic nature of risk and are underinvesting in and under-prioritizing prevention and resilience. Investing in disaster risk reduction is a precondition for developing sustainably in a rapidly changing climate. It can be achieved and makes good financial sense. Global […]

The Clean Energy Transition: From Vision to Reality

Brussels Brussels, Belgium

Decarbonising our economy and avoiding the worst effects of climate change requires us to zero greenhouse gases emissions at the latest by 2050. Energy is a key piece in addressing this challenge as it represents about 75% of anthropogenic emissions. However, it becomes increasingly evident that the technical challenges associated with the transition, even if essential, […]

DIM ESEE-2 innovative workshop – Innovation in exploration

Dubrovnik , Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

This year’s workshop Innovation in exploration focuses on innovative solutions for mineral prospecting and exploration via module divided into three days: 1. Main challenges and needs in innovative mineral exploration and robotization: General (EU) policy framework for need of innovative methods in mineral exploration | Innovative solutions for and challenges in underwater spaces: sensor development, robotization | Case studies: exploration […]

Global Symposium on Salt-affected Soils

The Global Symposium on Salt-affected Soils (GSAS21) will be a high level science-policy meeting, held  on 20-22 October 2021 online (Zoom). This Symposium is jointly organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the Global Soil Partnership (GSP), the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (ITPS), the Science Policy Interface of United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (SPI-UNCCD), the […]

First Young Soil Researchers Forum

We plan a 2.5-hours meeting with parallel sessions (up to six) targeting specific themes with 10 presentations (8 min + 2 min questions) and 30-minutes final discussion. Session themes will be assigned based on abstract submissions. All aspects of soil research are welcome (soil biodiversi­ty, erosion, pollution, nutrients, urban soils, compaction, etc.). Are you a […]

EFG Webinar – Responsible mining for the energy transition: Cornish Lithium


On 21 October 2021, the European Federation of Geologists (EFG) is organising the webinar ‘Responsible mining for the energy transition: Cornish Lithium‘. The event is scheduled for 5 – 6 PM CEST (Brussels time). The speaker will be Rebecca Paisley (Exploration Geochemist for Cornish Lithium) and the webinar will focus on the role responsible mining will have […]

2020 AIPG National Annual Conference: Role of Geoscientists for Resiliency, Sustainability, and Opportunities in a Changing Environment

Sacramento Sacramento, CA, United States

Learn how your geoscience experiences and education fit into the American job market. A geoscientist's expertise has never been more appealing. Come and meet the professionals that are building resiliency into our country's resources and explore new work opportunities in the geoscience workforce. We intend to expand your knowledge-base so you can build a bigger […]

World Geothermal Congress 2020+1

Harpa Harpa, Iceland

The World Geothermal Congress 2020+1 will take place as planned as an in person event as well as in hybrid form, October 24-27, 2021.  

EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW)

The EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) will take place on 25-29 October 2021 under the theme: ‘Towards 2030: Reshaping the European Energy System’. Last year, EUSEW went completely digital and this year you will be able to find us online once again. The event will comprise a 3-day digital policy conference, the EUSEW Awards, the second […]

From field geology to economic assessment: case study on bauxite

Egyetemvaros H 3515 Miskolc Hungary

This is a course endorsed by EFG. Content: 1. Bauxite geology - Definitions - Chemical and mineralogical make-up - Deposit geology: Deposit types and deposit formation – Role of the parent rocks 2. Exploration methods for bauxite ores: - Stages of exploration from identification to mine development - Methods and techniques, reliabilities - Material tests and […]

European Parliament Intergroup online event on “Greening raw materials policy”

Sustainable and responsible use of natural resources is critical to maintain the European Union economically competitive and environmentally preserved. For this reason, the management of primary and secondary raw materials has an important role to play in achieving resource efficiency and meeting the objectives set by the New Circular Economy Action Plan. Via its Report on […]


Glasgow Glasgow, United Kingdom

The COP26 summit will bring parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Extractive Industry Geology (EIG) Conference

EIG 2021 is coming soon in a virtual format. The conference is scheduled for the afternoon of the 3rd and the morning of the 4th of November, and will be unlike anything that we have attempted before. It will attempt to recreate as much as possible of the ‘feeling’ of a normal EIG conference, without […]

REFLECT webinar: Efficiency in geothermal operations and virtual visit to Insheim


The REFLECT project is organising the webinar ‘Efficiency in geothermal operations and virtual visit to Insheim‘ on 4 November 2021, 15:00 – 16:30 CEST (Brussels time). The efficiency of geothermal utilisation depends on the behaviour of fluids that transfer heat between the geosphere and the engineered components of a power plant. REFLECT aims to prevent problems […]


International Webinar on Mining Technologies and Mineralogy

International Webinar on Mining Technologies and Mineralogy aim is to focus on new trends in the different fields of Mining and Minerals that are the major departments in engineering. This is a significant conference which brings Scientist, Researchers, Engineers, and Students together in the field of Mining and Mineralogy. This Mining and Mineral Resource Webinar is […]

RE-SOURCING Virtual Conference

During three half-day sessions, you will have the opportunity to dive deeper into the following topics: Due Diligence - How to create impact for people and the environment on the ground Responsible Sourcing for the Green Transition - The case of the renewable energy and mobility sectors Circular Economy and Responsible Sourcing – Combining business […]

On the Road to Responsible Sourcing – How to achieve lasting impact

The RE-SOURCING Virtual Conference 2021 will be hosted during three half-days to dive deeper into three key issues of responsible sourcing: Supply Chain Due Diligence - How to move towards meaningful and holistic impact? Responsible Sourcing for the Green Transition - A Roadmap to 2050 Closing the Loop of Responsible Sourcing - How to make global raw material flows more […]

16th EWA Hybrid Brussels Conference on „Water in the Value Chain“

Brussels Brussels, Belgium

“Promoting new forms of collaboration with industry and investments in strategic value chains are essential” (citation Green Deal dated December 2019). However, time is running fast and a cross-sectoral collaboration is imperative in order to achieve a common strategy on the topic of water. The 16th EWA Brussels Conference will show some of the interdisciplinary initiatives and you […]

Hydrogen: a silver bullet or a red herring?

We invite you to join us this Wednesday, 10 November for the #COP26 side event 'Hydrogen: a silver bullet or a red herring?' we are organising together with the University of Glasgow and The Geological Society to explore the role #hydrogen may play in reaching #NetZero targets. The morning session will be held online, focusing on Carbon Sequestered H2, H2 Storage and the potential of […]

Digital Mining 2021

Digital Mining 2021 has established itself as a major international forum to exchange and discuss recent innovations and developments in subjects as control systems, automation and robotics applied in exploration, underground mining, surface mining, mineral processing, hydrometallurgy, environment, mining waste, tailings, supply chain, logistics, security, maintenance, climate change, business integration and commercialisation.

EU Energy Day – Hydrogen to drive the EU’s green transition

The EU Energy Day, organised by the European Commission in the framework of the Expo 2020 in Dubai, will be a hybrid event. It will, in the context of the European Green Deal objective of making Europe a climate neutral continent by 2050, focus on hydrogen as a driver of the EU’s green energy transition. […]

Earl of Wessex Future Energy Conference

London London, United Kingdom

TIMETABLE FOR THE DAY 09:00 – Arrival, registration, coffee, networking and exhibition 09:30 – Welcome by HRH The Earl of Wessex 09:40 – Keynote:  Future of Energy: What has changed since 2019? Are we doing what is necessary? Juliet Davenport – Founder and CEO Good Energy 10:00 – COP26 in retrospect:  Baroness Brown Deputy Chair […]

EU Raw Materials Week

The sixth edition of the "Raw Materials Week" will take place from 15 to 19 November 2021 as hybrid and online events, gathering a wide range of stakeholders discussing policies and initiatives in the field of raw materials. The 2021 Raw Materials Week will be centred around the eight annual High-level Conference of the European […]

3rd Water JPI Conference

The transfer-oriented 3rd Water JPI Conference with the topic “From Research into Practice: pollutants, pathogens and antimicrobial resistances in the water cycle” is planned to be held in November 2021 as a hybrid conference. Due to the pandemics, only some participants will have the chance to take part physically at the event in Mülheim an der […]


Offenburg Offenburg, Germany

The main themes of this year's STORENERGY congress are solutions for flexibilization in the energy system. In addition to energy storage, the focus is on solutions for integrating hydrogen into the energy supply. The "Call for Papers" invites you to submit papers for the following four thematic fields: Focus H2 -hydrogen Technologies, concepts, economic and ecological challenges and […]

5th DRMKC annual Seminar

The world is facing significant social, economic and environmental challenges exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic which brought profound implications to our societies and the way we organize ourselves to protect people, property and economic interests. The early warning of this era of disasters is arriving almost daily in news reports from across the globe of […]

2021 EU Conference on modelling for policy support: collaborating across disciplines to tackle key policy challenges

Tackling policy challenges requires making political choices, which must be transparently informed by evidence. Models are extensively used to analyse the environmental, economic, and social impacts of policies. The European Commission makes use of models throughout the policy cycle and is committed to sound and transparent use of evidence in the framework of the Better Regulation policy and Open […]

Reuters Events – Energy Transition Europe

We cannot succeed in transition alone. Delivering a sustainable energy system for the future will require collaboration and action from across the energy, business, and government ecosystems. Amidst unprecedented disruption through 2020, Europe redoubled its commitments to combating climate change, with the ambition of becoming the first net zero continent by 2050. Reuters Events: Energy […]

GET 2021

Strasbourg Strasbourg, France

2nd GEOSCIENCE & ENGINEERING IN ENERGY TRANSITION CONFERENCE GET will host discussions on all sustainable scenarios to meet the climate targets with a combination of these technologies and of different energy sources to feed the energy demand in a net-zero emission future.

Future Energy Festival

Every two years, Energy Futures Lab hosts a public showcase of energy research at Imperial College London. This year, for the first time, the event will take place online and in-person over two days. The Future Energy Festival will include talks, panel discussions and a keynote lecture by Professor Tim Green, Co-Director of Energy Futures Lab. Register now and we’ll send you […]

European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction

Matosinhos Matosinhos, Portugal

The European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction (EFDRR) forms the regional platform structure of Europe. The triennial EFDRR has established itself as an important vehicle to address the regional disaster risk challenges. It serves as a forum for other stakeholders to take a shared responsibility and make actionable commitments to reduce disaster risk. The conference, […]

European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction

Matosinhos Matosinhos, Portugal

The European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction (EFDRR) forms the regional platform structure of Europe. The triennial EFDRR has established itself as an important vehicle to address the regional disaster risk challenges. It serves as a forum for other stakeholders to take a shared responsibility and make actionable commitments to reduce disaster risk. The conference, […]

EU-Africa Business Summit

Marrakesh Marrakesh, Morocco

The EU-Africa Business Summit is an event organised by European Business Summits to promote the voices of enterprises in Europe and Africa. This event is independent from the EABF organised by the European Commission and the African Union. The fourth edition of the EU-Africa Business Summit, held in a new hybrid format, will seek answers to the most critical economic challenges shaping […]

PFAS: Challenges and solutions

Under the European Green Deal, the European Commission adopted the Zero Pollution Action Plan in May 2021 and the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability in October 2020. The strategies identify air, water and soil pollution as a threat for the environment, biodiversity and human health. PFAS is a group of persistent chemicals, commonly known as ‘forever […]

POLITICO Sustainable Future Summit

Brussels Brussels, Belgium

The EU is betting on its ability to become greener and more sustainable. To slash its emissions by at least 55% over the next ten years, the bloc is making full use of its Green Deal toolbox. From the Fit for 55 package to the taxonomy definition and the CO2 border tax proposal, the old […]

German Geothermal Congress DGK 2021

Essen Essen, Germany

The annual German Geothermal Congress will take place from 30 November to 2 December 2021 in the City of Essen, Germany. DGK is Germany’s largest and most important specialist congress on geothermal energy. This event planning to be a face-to-face event and the BVG is launching a call for papers.

GeoPlaNet International Week for VR in Geosciences

1. Open Days (Monday 29/11 - Tuesday 30/11) Open to all, register on Eventbrite !Presentation of the state of the art of the 3D processing of imagery to create virtual terrains. The conference is split in 4 sessions: Acquistion methods and 3D processing Open databases and software Educational applications Scientific applications Join us and attend presentations by international […]

iCRAG 2021: Resources for a Sustainable Society

iCRAG2021: Resources for a Sustainable Society is a virtual research showcase of the Centre’s achievements and impacts since our establishment, and will highlight the new directions and research areas that the Centre will undertake in the coming years.

A little less talking, it is time for action – How to combat Climate Change with Geothermal!

Tenth and final webinar in the series on a future for Geothermal Energy, Northern Ireland. About this event A little less talking, it is time for action – How to combat Climate Change with Geothermal! Dr. Marit Brommer, Executive Director at International Geothermal Association (IGA). Our conclusion from this webinar series is that Geothermal has […]

ISARM 2021 – 2nd International Conference on Transboundary Aquifers

Paris Paris, France

Overview of the challenges and way forward into addressing transboundary aquifers management Groundwater is the most abundant source of freshwater worldwide. This makes it crucial to socio-ecological systems and the source of at least half of the planet population. There are 366 transboundary aquifers identified, and 226 transboundary “groundwater bodies”, underlying almost every country. Transboundary aquifers […]

European Shallow Geothermal Energy Days

Heat represents more than half of Europe’s energy needs and the vast majority of it comes from fossil fuels. Shallow geothermal energy can be the key to decarbonise heating and cooling, being a clean and mature technology that could be installed anywhere in Europe. Yet, it is widely considered as a niche technology, even if in a few […]

Strategies toward Green Deal Implementation Water, Raw Materials & Energy

The purpose of the International Conference on Strategies toward Green Deal Implementation – Water, Raw Materials & Energy (ICGreenDeal2021) is to present the issue of climate change and ways to prevent it eg. innovative solutions (technological, environmental, economic, and social) that can be implemented under the Green Deal Strategies. We invite you to submit papers in the field […]

Fourth European Education Summit: The Next Decade of European Education

After a challenging year, let’s take stock and look to the future of education and training in the European Union (EU). How can the education sector be improved to the benefit of all? How can education be made more inclusive and fair – from early childhood education and care to higher education and adult learning? […]