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16th EWA Hybrid Brussels Conference on „Water in the Value Chain“

Brussels Brussels, Belgium

“Promoting new forms of collaboration with industry and investments in strategic value chains are essential” (citation Green Deal dated December 2019). However, time is running fast and a cross-sectoral collaboration is imperative in order to achieve a common strategy on the topic of water. The 16th EWA Brussels Conference will show some of the interdisciplinary initiatives and you […]

Hydrogen: a silver bullet or a red herring?

We invite you to join us this Wednesday, 10 November for the #COP26 side event 'Hydrogen: a silver bullet or a red herring?' we are organising together with the University of Glasgow and The Geological Society to explore the role #hydrogen may play in reaching #NetZero targets. The morning session will be held online, focusing on Carbon Sequestered H2, H2 Storage and the potential of […]

Digital Mining 2021

Digital Mining 2021 has established itself as a major international forum to exchange and discuss recent innovations and developments in subjects as control systems, automation and robotics applied in exploration, underground mining, surface mining, mineral processing, hydrometallurgy, environment, mining waste, tailings, supply chain, logistics, security, maintenance, climate change, business integration and commercialisation.

EU Energy Day – Hydrogen to drive the EU’s green transition

The EU Energy Day, organised by the European Commission in the framework of the Expo 2020 in Dubai, will be a hybrid event. It will, in the context of the European Green Deal objective of making Europe a climate neutral continent by 2050, focus on hydrogen as a driver of the EU’s green energy transition. […]

EU Raw Materials Week

The sixth edition of the "Raw Materials Week" will take place from 15 to 19 November 2021 as hybrid and online events, gathering a wide range of stakeholders discussing policies and initiatives in the field of raw materials. The 2021 Raw Materials Week will be centred around the eight annual High-level Conference of the European […]

3rd Water JPI Conference

The transfer-oriented 3rd Water JPI Conference with the topic “From Research into Practice: pollutants, pathogens and antimicrobial resistances in the water cycle” is planned to be held in November 2021 as a hybrid conference. Due to the pandemics, only some participants will have the chance to take part physically at the event in Mülheim an der […]

5th DRMKC annual Seminar

The world is facing significant social, economic and environmental challenges exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic which brought profound implications to our societies and the way we organize ourselves to protect people, property and economic interests. The early warning of this era of disasters is arriving almost daily in news reports from across the globe of […]

2021 EU Conference on modelling for policy support: collaborating across disciplines to tackle key policy challenges

Tackling policy challenges requires making political choices, which must be transparently informed by evidence. Models are extensively used to analyse the environmental, economic, and social impacts of policies. The European Commission makes use of models throughout the policy cycle and is committed to sound and transparent use of evidence in the framework of the Better Regulation policy and Open […]

Reuters Events – Energy Transition Europe

We cannot succeed in transition alone. Delivering a sustainable energy system for the future will require collaboration and action from across the energy, business, and government ecosystems. Amidst unprecedented disruption through 2020, Europe redoubled its commitments to combating climate change, with the ambition of becoming the first net zero continent by 2050. Reuters Events: Energy […]

GET 2021

Strasbourg Strasbourg, France

2nd GEOSCIENCE & ENGINEERING IN ENERGY TRANSITION CONFERENCE GET will host discussions on all sustainable scenarios to meet the climate targets with a combination of these technologies and of different energy sources to feed the energy demand in a net-zero emission future.

Future Energy Festival

Every two years, Energy Futures Lab hosts a public showcase of energy research at Imperial College London. This year, for the first time, the event will take place online and in-person over two days. The Future Energy Festival will include talks, panel discussions and a keynote lecture by Professor Tim Green, Co-Director of Energy Futures Lab. Register now and we’ll send you […]

European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction

Matosinhos Matosinhos, Portugal

The European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction (EFDRR) forms the regional platform structure of Europe. The triennial EFDRR has established itself as an important vehicle to address the regional disaster risk challenges. It serves as a forum for other stakeholders to take a shared responsibility and make actionable commitments to reduce disaster risk. The conference, […]

PFAS: Challenges and solutions

Under the European Green Deal, the European Commission adopted the Zero Pollution Action Plan in May 2021 and the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability in October 2020. The strategies identify air, water and soil pollution as a threat for the environment, biodiversity and human health. PFAS is a group of persistent chemicals, commonly known as ‘forever […]

POLITICO Sustainable Future Summit

Brussels Brussels, Belgium

The EU is betting on its ability to become greener and more sustainable. To slash its emissions by at least 55% over the next ten years, the bloc is making full use of its Green Deal toolbox. From the Fit for 55 package to the taxonomy definition and the CO2 border tax proposal, the old […]

German Geothermal Congress DGK 2021

Essen Essen, Germany

The annual German Geothermal Congress will take place from 30 November to 2 December 2021 in the City of Essen, Germany. DGK is Germany’s largest and most important specialist congress on geothermal energy. This event planning to be a face-to-face event and the BVG is launching a call for papers.

GeoPlaNet International Week for VR in Geosciences

1. Open Days (Monday 29/11 - Tuesday 30/11) Open to all, register on Eventbrite !Presentation of the state of the art of the 3D processing of imagery to create virtual terrains. The conference is split in 4 sessions: Acquistion methods and 3D processing Open databases and software Educational applications Scientific applications Join us and attend presentations by international […]

iCRAG 2021: Resources for a Sustainable Society

iCRAG2021: Resources for a Sustainable Society is a virtual research showcase of the Centre’s achievements and impacts since our establishment, and will highlight the new directions and research areas that the Centre will undertake in the coming years.

A little less talking, it is time for action – How to combat Climate Change with Geothermal!

Tenth and final webinar in the series on a future for Geothermal Energy, Northern Ireland. About this event A little less talking, it is time for action – How to combat Climate Change with Geothermal! Dr. Marit Brommer, Executive Director at International Geothermal Association (IGA). Our conclusion from this webinar series is that Geothermal has […]

European Shallow Geothermal Energy Days

Heat represents more than half of Europe’s energy needs and the vast majority of it comes from fossil fuels. Shallow geothermal energy can be the key to decarbonise heating and cooling, being a clean and mature technology that could be installed anywhere in Europe. Yet, it is widely considered as a niche technology, even if in a few […]

Strategies toward Green Deal Implementation Water, Raw Materials & Energy

The purpose of the International Conference on Strategies toward Green Deal Implementation – Water, Raw Materials & Energy (ICGreenDeal2021) is to present the issue of climate change and ways to prevent it eg. innovative solutions (technological, environmental, economic, and social) that can be implemented under the Green Deal Strategies. We invite you to submit papers in the field […]

Fourth European Education Summit: The Next Decade of European Education

After a challenging year, let’s take stock and look to the future of education and training in the European Union (EU). How can the education sector be improved to the benefit of all? How can education be made more inclusive and fair – from early childhood education and care to higher education and adult learning? […]

IUGS Energy Transitions Series: 1. Geothermal Energy

This event includes; a series of short talks by world-leading geothermal experts, interviews of geothermal experts from around the world by our Young Ambassadors, breakout rooms, culminating with an expert discussion panel and the launch of an international student competition aimed at showcasing the work of young geoscientists.   Provisional Agenda: Guest Talks 3pm-4pm GMT […]

Critical raw materials: an essential building block for the future of Europe

Brussels, Belgium Brussels, Belgium

The EESC has carried out extensive work in the past years on topics linked to mining and raw materials. With the publication in September 2020 of the Commission's Action Plan on Critical Raw Materials, and building on the past experience, the EESC has been carrying out activity on this issue that included its opinion CCMI […]

An introduction to the CRIRSCO family of reporting codes – with special reference to the PERC Reporting Standard 2021

In collaboration with the Geological Society of London, PERC is organising an online training course in February and March 2022. The course will consist of seven separate 1-hour sessions covering the topics listed below. The option to participate in individual sessions will be offered for those who are not interested in the full course. Course […]

H-NAT 2022

H-Nat Summit is a unique annual opportunity for all stakeholders to introduce or learn about this new promising market, showcase their latest products & services, build partnerships, establish and grow business relationships, raise financing, assemble teams, etc. More information:

CCUS Technologies in Industrial Systems

An international online workshop organized jointly by the IETS (Industrial Energy-Related Technologies and Systems) and IEAGHG (IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme), which are both Technology Collaboration Programmes (TCPs) under the International Energy Agency (IEA). CCUS technologies and systems are among the most important measures for achieving reduction of GHG emissions in industry. Due to the […]

QAQC Applications in Mineral Exploration

This is a course endorsed by EFG OA/QC APPLICATIONS IN MINERAL EXPLORATION To register for this course, please get in contact with MJD here: iletiş The course has two modules: The Art of Fire Assay and the QAQC Applications in Mineral Exploration Trainer: Lynda Bloom, M.Sc., P.Geo. Date: 11 March 2022 The Art of Fire Assay: […]

Clean Energy Summit

With the current crisis, soaring energy prices and security of supply chains are becoming an increasing concern for stakeholders from industries to households alike. A clean and just energy transition is the way to fight climate change, but it needs to be accessible to all for it to be efficient. The Clean Energy Summit 2022 […]

Global Rare Earths Summit 2022

 This leading virtual summit will provide a forum where senior policy members, mining, financial and supply chain executives can discuss how to manage the supply/demand squeeze for rare earths and meet the global need for a swift and responsible transition to green energy. Rare earth elements have grown in popularity over the past 20 years […]

Practices to People: Introduction to Community Communication for Exploration Geologists.

This April 4th and 5th, People and Mining in a collaboration with Ore Deposits Hub and the Social Practice Forum are organising a new virtual workshop called Practices to People: Introduction to Community Communication for Exploration Geologists. The workshop aims to improve community communication awareness and education of exploration geologists, especially those in their early career. The workshop will run over […]

World Sustainable Energy Days

Stadthalle Wels Pollheimerstrasse 1, Wels, Austria

In 2022, the World Sustainable Energy Days (WSED) present the far-reaching transformation of policies, technologies and markets for achieving climate neutrality and how to raise the pace of change. The WSED are a leading annual conference on the energy transition and climate neutrality with more than 650 participants from over 60 countries.

2nd Annual CCUS 2022

Carbon emission reduction is one of the key topics to achieve the ambitious goals of industrial decarbonisation. Climate change mitigation is an important topic to be discussed, and CO2 emission reduction is a topic that is and will be one of the crucial themes for the energy sector. CCUS technologies can help in storing the […]

Energy Transition Discussion Meeting

The Energy Transition Discussion Meeting is a 2-day Hybrid conference which aims to identify what Geoscience needs to do now to meet the net zero targets in a fair and sustainable way - to support policy, business and innovation, and in parallel develop new scientific and engineering knowledge and solutions. It will connect and engage […]

Science advice under pressure

Brussels, Belgium Brussels, Belgium

The European Commission’s Scientific Advice Mechanism warmly invites everyone working at the science-policy interface to explore the key challenges of delivery science advice under pressure through a series of panel debates, interactive sessions and networking opportunities. We will reflect on the diverse experiences of many different actors in the field, debating the values that underpin […]

2022 Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains

The 15th Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains will be held virtually on 2-6 May 2022 and will bring together representatives from government, business, and civil society. Plenary sessions will take place at 11h30-12h45 and 13h30-14.45 CET, while partner-led sessions will take place in the mornings and afternoons. The Forum will provide the opportunity to review and discuss the […]

Responsible Raw Materials 2022

This year's theme will be all about showcasing 'Mining as a Core Enabler for the 'Just Transition''. This year's theme will be all about showcasing 'Mining as a Core Enabler for the 'Just Transition''. This year's theme will be all about showcasing 'Mining as a Core Enabler for the 'Just Transition''.

EGU 2022 General Assembly

Vienna, Austria Vienna, Austria

Taking place on 3-8 April the EGU 2022 General Assembly, will bring together geoscientists from all over the world for an hybrid meeting covering all disciplines in the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. EGU aims to provide a welcoming, inclusive, and safe forum where scientists, especially early career scientists, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts […]

Oxford Geoheritage Virtual Conference 2022

OxGVC 2022 will take place from June 6-9, with keynotes, talks, and flash talks being presented each day between 2pm and 5pm UK time (BST = UTC+1). This timing is aimed at maximising international attendance. For the first time there will also be an opportunity for poster presentations. OxGVC is all about geoheritage workers being […]

H-NAT Summit

H-NAT Summit 2022, the leading Natural Hydrogen Conference will take place on June 21 - 22, 2022 in a 100% digital format. Over 60 top speakers will explore strategic and technical topics about H2, in a large variety of formats: keynote speeches, panel discussions, use cases…

Soil4Nutrition Symposium

The FAO's Global Soil Partnership is pleased to announce next year's Global Symposium on Soils for Nutrition, which will be held from 26 to 29 July 2022 in a virtual setting. The Symposium will address the role of soil fertility in delivering sufficient, high quality, safe, and nutritious food for better-nourished plants, animals, and people. Its specific […]

World Water Week 2022

Stockholm Stockholm, Sweden

World Water Week 2022 will take place 23 August to 1 September 2022 online and in Stockholm under the theme "Seeing the unseen: The value of water". This new format will offer opportunities to connect face to face and online to engage audiences worldwide. s and join us in addressing the world’s most pressing challenges. […]

International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction (IDDRR) 2022

The primary goal of disaster risk reduction is prevention. But when that is not possible, then it is important to minimize the harm to people, assets and livelihoods through early warning systems. The United Nations General Assembly has designated 13 October as the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction (IDDRR) to promote a global culture […]

Copernicus Emergency Service Assembly 2022


This annual event brings together the disaster and risk management community into a discussion on the impact and evolution of the CEMS service. CEMS Assembly 2022 brings together experts, users and policy makers to celebrate together the 10 years of service, showcasing CEMS contribution to improve emergency response and disaster risk management in this first […]

First European conference on community disaster preparedness on 27 October

EIB Headquarters , Luxembourg

The EIB Institute, in collaboration with the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre, is pleased to invite you to the first European conference on community disaster preparedness. The conference, which includes presentations, panels and games, will take place at the European Investment Bank headquarters in Luxembourg and online, on 27 October from 10 a.m. to […]

Mary Anning and other inspiring female geoscientists


Some pioneer women paved the way in geology. However, they faced challenges for their voices to be heard and for their remarkable work to be recognised at their time. We are inviting the authors of two fascinating books that pay tribute to these pioneer geologists: GEAS – Women Who Study the Earth and The Fossil Woman. A Life […]

Chatham House 2023 Climate change conference

London London, United Kingdom

In this decisive decade, governments, businesses, and communities from across the world have the opportunity to define a new chapter for climate action. With global temperatures expected to temporarily rise beyond 1.5°C in the next five years, amid worsening climate extremes, the COP 28 ‘Global Stocktake’ offers a critical chance to reset. The path forward […]

1st Natural Hydrogen Worldwide Summit

Perth Perth, Australia

The 1st Natural Hydrogen Worldwide Summit - H-Nat Summit will take place in Perth Australia and online, on November 27th and 28th. This is a unique opportunity to gather, discuss, and update your knowledge of the Natural Hydrogen market and emerging technologies. EFG Executive Director Glen Burridge will offer a talk on "Recommendations for a […]

EFG Webinar – Changing Gear: New Roles in the Energy Expansion


On 5 December 2023, EFG is organising the webinar ‘Changing Gear: New roles in the Energy Expansion’ (Transfer of Skills From Oil & Gas to Other Sectors). The event is scheduled from 14:00 to 16:00 CET (Central European Time). The speakers of the session will be David Pickering (Market Manager, CCUS & Geoscience, Ramboll), Rodney Garrard (Advisor […]