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33rd Nordic Geological Winter Meeting

Copenhagen Copenhagen, Denmark

FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT & CALL FOR THEME SESSIONS It is our pleasure to announce the 33rd Nordic Geological Winter Meeting to be held at the Danish Technical University (DTU), Kgs. Lyngby, Copenhagen, Denmark – January 10-12, 2018 and organized by The Danish Geological Society. Information on registration and abstract submission is available here, but at this time […]

EGU General Assembly 2018

Austria Center Vienna Vienna, Austria

The EGU General Assembly 2018 will bring together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience. […]

Reservoir Quality Analysis of Carbonate Rock-Types

Venue Freiligrathstralse 8, Oybin, Germany

The course will provide training of advanced petrographic techniques of analysis, which are very useful for better understanding of sandstone and carbonate reservoirs. It will help to conduct better estimations of reservoir/facies distribution and its performance, needed for reserve estimation, well performance and hence well design, field development planning and exploration drilling, having a direct […]

Reservoir Quality Study of Siliciclastic Reservoirs

Venue Freiligrathstralse 8, Oybin, Germany

The course will provide training of advanced petrographic techniques of analysis, which are very useful for better understanding of sandstone and carbonate reservoirs. It will help to conduct better estimations of reservoir/facies distribution and its performance, needed for reserve estimation, well performance and hence well design, field development planning and exploration drilling, having a direct […]

Reservoir Quality Analysis of Siliciclastic and Carbonate Rock-Types

Venue Freiligrathstralse 8, Oybin, Germany

The course will provide training of advanced petrographic techniques of analysis, which are very useful for better understanding of sandstone and carbonate reservoirs. It will help to conduct better estimations of reservoir/facies distribution and its performance, needed for reserve estimation, well performance and hence well design, field development planning and exploration drilling, having a direct […]

Reservoir Quality Study of Siliciclastic and Carbonate Rocks Workshop

Oybin, Germany

EFG Endorsement Programme The technical workshops (3 days oral & practical sessions) will be giving specialists from the oil industry a detailed introduction to the study of siliciclastic & carbonate reservoirs. Workshops are structured in oral and practical sessions, with PPt presentations, didactic material/exercises and work at a polarising microscope. Examples of SEM and CL analyses are […]

EUR750 – EUR1209

Reservoir Quality Study of Siliciclastic Rocks Workshop

Oybin, Germany

EFG Endorsement Programme This short course is aimed at giving participants a detailed introduction to the study of siliciclastic reservoirs utilizing oil industry work methodologies. The course is structured in oral and practical sessions, with PPt presentations, didactic material/exercises on petrography & reservoir quality of siliciclastic rock-types through polarizing microscopy & stereo-microscopy. Examples of SEM and CL […]

EUR560 – EUR760

Reservoir Quality Study of Carbonate Rocks Workshop

Oybin, Germany

EFG Endorsement Programme This short course is aimed at giving geologists a detailed introduction to the study of carbonate reservoirs utilizing oil industry work methodologies. The course is structured in oral and practical sessions, with PPt presentations, didactic material/exercises on petrography & reservoir quality of carbonate rock-types through polarizing microscopy & stereo-microscopy. Examples of SEM and CL […]

EUR560 – EUR760

EuroWorkshop: Geology and the energy transition


The European Federation of Geologists (EFG), the Royal Geological and Mining Society of the Netherlands (KNGMG) and CHPM2030 (a Horizon 2020 project) will jointly organise a EuroWorkshop on Geology and the energy transition on May 23, 2019 in Delft, the Netherlands. An optional fieldtrip “Exploring the Anthropocene”, on the Sedimentary dynamics of the Dutch coast – showing how the current Dutch […]

iCRAG 2019 – Resources for a Sustainable Future

Croke park Croke park, Ireland

The one-day event will showcase the research outcomes of iCRAG projects and deliver insights into future directions for Irish geoscience research. There will be a particular focus on how the Irish geoscience research sector can play a leading role in addressing the Climate Action Plan and Ireland's commitments to the UN Sustainable Development Goals as the […]

AGU Fall Meeting 2019: “Celebrate the Past, Inspire the Future”

San Francisco San Francisco, United States

As AGU marks its Centennial in 2019, we return to San Francisco, the home of the AGU Fall Meeting for more than 40 years. Join our diverse community at the newly renovated Moscone Center as we collaborate across borders and boundaries to explore and develop our research. Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to participate in […]

The Geological Society of Norway’s Geological Winter Conference

The Geological Society of Norway has the great pleasure to welcome to the 2021 Geological Winter Conference on January 6–8th. This conference will be a digital event that will take place in your home, your office or together with friends and colleagues in a video conference room. The 2021 Winter Conference that was initially planned […]

34th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting (NGWM20)

Oslo Oslo, Norway

The meeting is an arena for all disciplines in the field of geoscience, with the goal to contribute to knowledge sharing, networking, inspiration and professional fulfilment.

Irish Geosciences Early Career Symposium 2020

Galway Galway, Ireland

iGEO2020 is the only Irish event designed by, and run for, early-career geoscientists. Join us to help forge the future path of Irish geoscience.

Big data and machine learning in geosciences

Berlin Berlin, Germany

On February 20-21, 2020 the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) is hosting the inaugural international conference Big data and machine learning in geosciences in Berlin, with kind support of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). The conference will highlight these issues by giving a platform for outstanding experts in the […]

2020 National Geological Job Fair Belgium

Mons Mons, Belgium

The 2nd National Geological Job Fair by UBLG/BLUG and Geologica Belgica will be held on Friday 6 March 2020 in Mons. The event is organized for the benefit of geological oriented educations and employers and aims at bringing companies/organizations who employ or look for geologists and mining/geological engineers into contact with Master students and graduates. […]

Energy transition in sub-Saharan Africa: Advances in Education, Innovation and Research for a new generation of energy professionals for environmentally sound energy development

Zanzibar Zanzibar, Tanzania, United Republic of

Africa is at a pivotal moment in time with growing needs for energy while the world is struggling with the consequences of carbon-based energy. On one hand large reserves of oil and gas have been discovered on the continent waiting to be exploited while on the other hand the global trend is towards more sustainable […]

Geopressure 2020: Managing uncertainty in geopressure by integrating geoscience and engineering

The organisers invite contributions within any aspect of geopressure but are particularly interested in the various phases of pore fluid pressure prediction, modelling and overpressure evaluation to manage uncertainty during the life cycle of a well. Suggested themes and sessions include: Pore pressure and stress, especially complex stress regimes Impact of machine learning on PPFG […]

II Course of Underground Gas Storages

This is a course endorsed by EFG. Link to the course Content: This course aims to give a global view of the world of Oil & Gas, focusing on underground storage, a subject rarely addressed at times, but present in Spain and increasingly strategic due to the change of global energy priorities. This course will […]

vEGU21: Gather Online

EGU General Assembly 2021 to be held virtually This virtual event will be an entirely different experience from last year’s meeting, Sharing Geoscience Online, which we had just five weeks to plan. vEGU21 will provide a much more complete representation of the experience that EGU members enjoy at the annual meeting in Vienna. vEGU21, which […]

MOOC on Climate Change: Carbon Capture and Storage

The atmosphere is a shared resource and the amount of greenhouse gases it can absorb is a finite resource. This introductory course to the technology of Carbon Capture and Storage is designed for a wider audience with an interest in energy, sustainability and climate change. The aim of Carbon Capture and Storage is to achieve Deep reductions […]

Workshop: ‘Uncertainty Quantification and Visualization in Geological modelling’

Amsterdam Amsterdam, Netherlands

As a kick-off of the coming EAGE Annual Meeting in Amsterdam (8-11 June 2020), we draw to your attention a workshop on ‘Uncertainty Quantification and Visualization in Geological modelling’ organised by the Dutch European Geologists Denise Maljers, Johan ten Veen, Jan Stafleu and Freek Busschers (TNO – Geological Survey of the Netherlands).  This full-day workshop will […]

Webinar: Artificial Intelligence in Oil & Gas

Organised by EAGE Local Chapter Netherlands 18:00 - Start of the event (Aramco) 18:10 - Introduction Diego Rovetta 18:30 - Machine learning in seismic data processing Paul Zwartjes (Aramco) 19:00 - From super human performance in games to augmented decision making in the real world Norbert Dolle (White Space Energy) 19:30 - Q&A Please register […]

Pivot2020 – Kicking off the Geothermal Decade

International Geothermal Association

Pivot2020 is a week-long virtual event of ten moderated roundtables, featuring thought leaders and change makers who are building the future of geothermal energy. Panelists include leaders from the oil and gas industry, geothermal industry, academia, governments, national labs, and start-up companies. Pivot2020 is being hosted by the Geothermal Entrepreneurship Organization (GEO) at the University […]

FutureGeo 2.0

The Future of GeoScience is Now. This free, virtual and first-of-its-kind networking event, brought to you in association with Digital Leaders, will bring together the geo-community into a common space where all involved can present, share and understand differing perspectives, ideas and goals, helping shape the Future of GeoScience. Following the success of the FutureGeo Summit in June, […]

GEO Business, Geospatial technology: shaping the future

london , United Kingdom

GEO Business is the UK’s largest geospatial event designed for everyone involved in the gathering, storing, processing and delivery of geospatial information.

SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference

This year, the 2020 SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference will be transformed into an inclusive virtual learning experience. Despite the difficult situation, industry leaders and experts are even more eager to gather, network, exchange ideas and find answers to their questions. In October, decision-makers will come together to identify the solutions that will help industry […]

GET2020 – 1st EAGE Geoscience in Energy Transition Conference

Strasbourg Strasbourg, France

The 1st Geoscience & Engineering in Energy Transition Conference (GET) will address what skills and what technologies are required to support the growth of renewable energy in the energy mix. Furthermore, it gives a forum to exchange the knowledge about CCS, energy storage and cross disciplines like hazardous (nuclear) waste storage, hydrogen/methane production and storage, […]

Energy Transition Europe

London London, United Kingdom

Leadership In the Age of Transition We are in the midst of a dramatic paradigm shift. The world has awoken to climate change; the time for the energy industry to stand up and be counted has arrived. The way in which we produce, distribute and use energy will undergo a radical transformation over the next […]

Clean Gas Technologies: What opportunities for the EU?

According to the European Commission, renewable and low-carbon hydrogen is a key building block towards a climate-neutral and zero-pollution economy in 2050, by replacing most fossil fuels and feedstock. It can contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions ahead of 2030 and to a green recovery of the EU economy. Gas advocates argue that biomethane, green […]

Core Values: the Role of Core in 21st Century Reservoir Characterisation

london , United Kingdom

Core has traditionally played a key role in the characterisation of conventional and unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs, from exploration to mature production. It is the only means by which to observe and make measurements on actual reservoir rock. However, the recent oil industry downturn has driven many to question the value of taking core, due to […]

All things energy forum

The world is facing an unprecedented situation, unlike anything after WWII. The key characteristics are Uncertainty and the convergence of six mega phenomena: A Sustained Pandemic: Covid does not seem to abate, 3rd wave, British variant, problematic availability of vaccines Economics: Huge stimulus sums are being spent but still a bleak forecast for a recovery, outside China Energy trade: an oil […]

36th International Geological Congress

Delhi Delhi, India

IGCs have come a long way since their inception in 1878 in Paris. We are, today, on the threshold of witnessing the 36th session of this prestigious global event. With less than a year’s time left for the Congress, the excitement among the geoscientists is strikingly visible and infectious. India, with the scientific support of […]

Geosciences and the Energy Transition: Resources on a Finite Planet

The third of a series of webinars and meetings to assess and highlight the role of Geosciences in the Energy Transition (ET). Three webinars are being held in 2021 leading to a Discussion Meeting on the Energy Transition in April 2022. This third event is focused on strategic minerals, hydrocarbons and responsible recovery and the […]

Energy Intelligence Forum

A four-day platform for energy leaders to debate and shape sustainable solutions to the energy challenges of the 21st century.

2020 AIPG National Annual Conference: Role of Geoscientists for Resiliency, Sustainability, and Opportunities in a Changing Environment

Sacramento Sacramento, CA, United States

Learn how your geoscience experiences and education fit into the American job market. A geoscientist's expertise has never been more appealing. Come and meet the professionals that are building resiliency into our country's resources and explore new work opportunities in the geoscience workforce. We intend to expand your knowledge-base so you can build a bigger […]

EU Energy Day – Hydrogen to drive the EU’s green transition

The EU Energy Day, organised by the European Commission in the framework of the Expo 2020 in Dubai, will be a hybrid event. It will, in the context of the European Green Deal objective of making Europe a climate neutral continent by 2050, focus on hydrogen as a driver of the EU’s green energy transition. […]

Earl of Wessex Future Energy Conference

London London, United Kingdom

TIMETABLE FOR THE DAY 09:00 – Arrival, registration, coffee, networking and exhibition 09:30 – Welcome by HRH The Earl of Wessex 09:40 – Keynote:  Future of Energy: What has changed since 2019? Are we doing what is necessary? Juliet Davenport – Founder and CEO Good Energy 10:00 – COP26 in retrospect:  Baroness Brown Deputy Chair […]

GET 2021

Strasbourg Strasbourg, France

2nd GEOSCIENCE & ENGINEERING IN ENERGY TRANSITION CONFERENCE GET will host discussions on all sustainable scenarios to meet the climate targets with a combination of these technologies and of different energy sources to feed the energy demand in a net-zero emission future.

H-NAT 2022

H-Nat Summit is a unique annual opportunity for all stakeholders to introduce or learn about this new promising market, showcase their latest products & services, build partnerships, establish and grow business relationships, raise financing, assemble teams, etc. More information:

Energy Transition Discussion Meeting

The Energy Transition Discussion Meeting is a 2-day Hybrid conference which aims to identify what Geoscience needs to do now to meet the net zero targets in a fair and sustainable way - to support policy, business and innovation, and in parallel develop new scientific and engineering knowledge and solutions. It will connect and engage […]

AAPG Europe Regional Conference: Revitalizing Old Fields and Energy Transition in Mature Basins

Budapest Budapest, Hungary

This conference will address the challenges we face in our industry in many of the hydrocarbon basins and folded belts across the entire European region. It's focus is on topics of the global energy transition such as advantaged hydrocarbons, enhanced oil recovery and carbon capture-utilization-storage. Geothermal energy utilization, hydrogen exploration and storage, and topics of […]

Winter Conference 2023 – Geology – Energy – Society

The Geological Socety of Norway cordially invites you to join the most important forum for the Geosciences in Norway, January 4th-6th, 2023 at IGP-NTNU in Trondheim The main theme of this conference is Geology - Energy - Society For more information on registration, click here:

MedGU Annual Meeting

Marrakesh Marrakesh, Morocco

MedGU-22 WILL GO AHEAD IN-PERSON & ONLINE THIS NOVEMBER IN MARRAKECH. After the remarkable successes of the 1st CAJG, 2nd CAJG and 3rd CAJG, it became obvious that there was a need to create a larger and more comprehensive international geoscience conference, one that would bring together even more participants from all over the world and cover a wide range of topics from all the […]

Geofluid – drilling and Foundation Exhibition

Piacenza Piacenza, Italy

In 2023, GEOFLUID celebrates 45 years of activity, forty-five years alongside the companies and industry operators as a showcase of technological evolution and of the reference market. In recent years, the event has been steadily and gradually growing as for the exhibition offer, with a high degree of professional qualification and internationality, without departing from its core […]