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EU Presidency Conference – Sustainable Supply of Aggregates

KUMU (Estonian Arts Museum) Weizenbergi 34 / Valge 1, Tallinn, Estonia

On behalf of UEPG President, Jesús Ortiz, and in cooperation with the Estonian EU Presidency, European Aggregates Association (UEPG) is delighted to invite you to the Presidency Conference addressing the sustainable supply of aggregates (followed by a Conference Dinner at the Academy of Sciences) In KUMU (Estonian Arts Museum, Tallinn) Should you wish to attend, kindly send […]

Dubrovnik International ESEE Mining School – Zero waste management

Dubrovnik , Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

The Dubrovnik International ESEE Mining School brings together international experts in the field of raw materials in the heart of the ESEE Region. Within the thematic workshops and project work the focus lies on direct knowledge transfer from renowned experts to the participants, but also the creation of an open dialogue between graduate students, scholars, […]

MIN-GUIDE Annual Conference “An Innovation-Friendly Policy Framework along the Mineral Production Value Chain”

Brussels Brussels, Belgium

The MIN-GUIDE Annual Conference 2017, entitled “An Innovation-Friendly Policy Framework along the Mineral Production Value Chain”, will be held in Brussels, Belgium on 13-14 December 2017 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Brussels. This year's MIN-GUIDE Annual Conference will provide insights into the cornerstones and future trends of an innovation-friendly policy framework for exploration and […]

MINATURA2020 Final consortium meeting

Final consortium meeting of the three year Horizon2020 funded EU project MINATURA2020. The overall objective of MINATURA2020 is to develop a concept and methodology for the definition and subsequent protection of “mineral deposits of public importance” in order to ensure their “best use” in the future in order to be included in a harmonised European regulatory/guidance/policy […]

33rd Nordic Geological Winter Meeting

Copenhagen Copenhagen, Denmark

FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT & CALL FOR THEME SESSIONS It is our pleasure to announce the 33rd Nordic Geological Winter Meeting to be held at the Danish Technical University (DTU), Kgs. Lyngby, Copenhagen, Denmark – January 10-12, 2018 and organized by The Danish Geological Society. Information on registration and abstract submission is available here, but at this time […]

MICA Final Event

Orega Rue du Commerce 123, Brussels, Belgium

The MICA project brings together experts from a wide range of disciplines in order to ensure that Raw Materials Information is collected, collated, stored and made accessible in the most useful way in order to correspond to stakeholder needs. AGENDA: -Registration and welcome coffee -Welcome and positioning of MICA within EU RMKB/EGS strategy (Slavko Solar, […]

TERRAENVISION: Environmental Issues Today

Facultat de Geografia i Història Universitat de Barcelona Barcelona, Spain

Our Planet suffers from human activities. As scientists we know more and more about our environment, about processes, rates of change, new threats and risks. However, the challenges seem to grow quicker than the solutions we can create.

EUR200 – EUR450


bled , Slovenia

Scope and Objectives The aim of this conference is to bring together experts in the field of robotics, minerals exploration and mining (including underwater mining) to discuss about latest advances in the field and rise synergies on innovation in mineral prospecting and extraction. Aternoon sessions will be dedicated to workshops, related to technology roadmapping and […]

36th National and 3rd International Geosciences Congress

Geological Survey of Iran Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of

The 36th National and the 3rd International Geological Congress of Iran will be held in Tehran, 25th to 27th February 2018. This is a well established event with more than three decades national meeting being organized by Geological Survey of Iran (GSI) every year since 1982. The congress covers all aspects of earth sciences regional […]

World Symposium on Climate Change and Biodiversity

Manchester, UK Manchester, United Kingdom

Climate Change and a whole and global warming in particular,  are known to have a negative impact on biodiversity in  three main ways. Firstly, increases in temperatures are known to be detrimental to a number of organisms, especially those in sensitive habitats such as coral reefs and rainforests. Secondly, the pressures posed by a changing […]

EGU General Assembly 2018

Austria Center Vienna Vienna, Austria

The EGU General Assembly 2018 will bring together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience. […]

Lithium: From Exploration to End-User

Burlington House 0BG, Piccadilly, London, United Kingdom

The understanding of the different deposit types for lithium, methods of processing, requirements of end-users, and potential long term environmental impacts of mining and using lithium are becoming increasingly important. This 2-day conference will bring together individuals from the full value chain of lithium including: industry, academia, exploration, mining, processing, end-users, policy makers and remediation.

GBPR20 – GBPR170

Quarries Alive

Evora , Portugal

Quarry exploitation is an activity with global expression that due to its extractive nature has strong impacts on habitats, fauna, and flora in both quarrying and surrounding areas. Growing awareness on this issue has engaged both industrial and scientific communities to pair up and commit to ecological goals, aiming to restore biodiversity, safeguard natural values, […]

17th Geological Congress of Serbia

Hotel “Breza”, Vrnjačka Banja Serbia

The deadline for abstract submissions is 20 December, 2017. The congress topics are: Fundamental geological research (Mineralogy, Crystallography, Petrology and Geochemical analyses and prospection; Regional Geology and Paleontology); exploration and sustainable usage of mineral resources; geology and development of oil and gas deposits; hydrogeology research and solutions; engineering geology & geotechnical research and solutions; geophysical research and […]

EUR50 – EUR140

EAGE’s Annual Conference and Exhibition 2018

Bella Center Copenhagen Copenhagen, Denmark

The EAGE Annual 2018, the 80th Conference & Exhibition is the largest and most comprehensive multi-disciplinary geoscience event in the world. The event includes a large conference - in total over 1,000 technical oral and poster presentations - and a technical exhibition presenting the latest developments in geophysics, geology and reservoir/petroleum engineering. More than 6,000 […]

MINEX Europe

Organised under the central theme "Sustainable development of the Western Tethyan metallogenic resources" the Forum will provide insights into exciting mining projects developed across the Balkans countries. The Forum will also highlight innovation trends in exploration and extraction, processing, waste management, and mine closure across the European continent and globally. Over 200 international delegates are […]

Resources for Future Generations 2018

Vancouver Vancouver, Canada

The International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) representing over 1 million earth scientists and 120 countries around the world is endorsing its first inter-congress international conference in Canada in June 2018. Vancouver will play host to this inaugural event entitled “Resources for Future Generations”. Representing some 25,000 earth scientists in Canada, this conference is being organized and […]

3rd EuroWorkshop: Meggen Days of Mineral Resources

GALILEO-PARK Sauerland Pyramiden 4-7, Lennestadt/Meggen, Germany

The workshop will cover the basic principles and rules of application of United Nations Framework Classification for Resources (UNFC). UNFC provides a single framework to build global energy and mineral studies, analyze government policies, plan industrial processes and allocate capital efficiently. UNFC applies to minerals, petroleum, nuclear fuel resources, renewable energy resources, injection projects for […]

4th EuroWorkshop: Lithium resources in Portugal

Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão of the Polytechnic Institute of Guarda Avenida Dr. Francisco Sá Carneiro, n.º 50, Guarda, Portugal

The Portuguese Association of Geologists in collaboration with the Polytechnic Institute of Guarda and the European Federation of Geologists is organizing the EuroWorkshop “Lithium resources in Portugal” that will be held in Guarda, Portugal, from 20th to 22nd September 2018. This event also includes a field trip to the region of Guarda (Northern Portugal) where […]


Burlington House Piccadilly, Mayfair, London, United Kingdom

FINEX ’18 is the sixth in a series of biennial conferences bringing together financiers, innovators and explorers from major and junior companies. It will cover developments in the capital and commodity markets, mineral deposit science and innovation in exploration, from the standpoints of experts and professionals from banks, finance houses, stockbrokers, exploration and mining companies and […]

GBP280 – GBP350

Workshop on the UN Framework Classification for Sustainable Resources Management in Europe (Raw Materials Week)

Hôtel Le Plaza Bruxelles Boulevard Adolphe Max 118-126, Brussels, Belgium

About the workshop The United Nations Framework Classification for Resources (UNFC) is an important tool for natural resource management that can harmonise data from different classification and reporting standards and hence make a significant contribution in attaining some of the Sustainable Development Goals. Organised in the framework of the EU Raw Materials Week, the workshop […]

24th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

Katowice Katowice, Poland

COP24 will be held in the city of Katowice. The conference facilities are comprised of the following: - The International Conference Centre (MCK) will accommodate plenary halls, conference rooms, a press conference and media rooms as well as COP24 Presidency and secretariat offices. - The ‘Spodek’ Arena will accommodate the media area, catering facilities as well […]

8th APG Annual Conference and related training courses

Lisbon , Portugal

The VIII APG Conference, which will focus on the theme "The new energy paradigm", will take place on February 22, 2019 at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon. In this edition we intend to approach the energy mix under different perspectives, by specialists with differentiated training, and discuss the role of each actor in the search […]

Short course on Exploration Geology: ore deposit models, alteration geochemistry and ore textures

Institute of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Freiburg Albertstrasse 23b, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany

EFG Endorsement Programme This short course offers theoretical foundations and practical training in exploration geology, alteration geochemistry and ore interpretation. In addition, the short course will host a poster session for participants who wish to present and discuss their own projects. The official language will be English. An optional one‐day excursion to ore deposits in […]

EUR30 – EUR400

Geoscience and Society Summit

The Summit aims to create a highly interactive forum for effective cooperation between scientists and users of scientific information to tackle global and local challenges around sustainability of natural resources and systems, global health, and resilience. Participants will represent diverse global communities and sectors, including: Research institutions Students, scientists, and administrators from academia Non-profit and […]

Application of United Nations Framework Classification (UNFC) for Resource Management

Petrad Professor Olav Hanssens vei 10, Stavanger, Norway

EFG Endorsement Programme The course will bring up the background for the classification and explain how UNFC works. The issues of Quality assurance, aggregation of projects, accounting and disclosure are dealt with. Emphasis is put on demonstrating the relationship between the UNFC and aligned classifications that are bridged to it. The aligned systems dealt with in the course […]

NOK7000 – NOK7500

UNECE Resource Management Week 2019

Geneva Geneva, Switzerland

This event includes the 10th Session of the Expert Group on Resource Management (1-3 May). At this occasion, EFG will co-organise with PETRAD a Workshop on UNFC for Sustainable Development from 27-28 April 2019.

3rd International Critical Metals Conference

Edinburgh Edinburgh, United Kingdom

This conference aims to bring together researchers, both academic and industrial, who are working at different stages along the life cycle of critical metals. Session themes will include the geology and resources of critical metals, raw materials for the decarbonisation of energy and transport, life cycle analysis and ethical sourcing of critical metals.

15th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece “Exploring and Protecting our Living Planet Earth”

Athens Athens, Greece

The International Congresses of the G.S.G. are multidisciplinary Earth science events, focusing on, but not limited to, the broader Aegean region and its surroundings, with the view to highlighting the contribution of geosciences to the study of the environment, natural resources and natural hazards. GSG 2019 aims at bringing together geoscientists from all over the world and providing […]

EuroWorkshop: Geology and the energy transition


The European Federation of Geologists (EFG), the Royal Geological and Mining Society of the Netherlands (KNGMG) and CHPM2030 (a Horizon 2020 project) will jointly organise a EuroWorkshop on Geology and the energy transition on May 23, 2019 in Delft, the Netherlands. An optional fieldtrip “Exploring the Anthropocene”, on the Sedimentary dynamics of the Dutch coast – showing how the current Dutch […]

Mining Investment Europe

Frankfurt/Main , Germany

  EFG is pleased to partner with Mining Investment Europe Conference. The 3rd edition of this event, to be held in Frankfurt, Germany from 18-19 June, connects miners, investors and various mining stakeholders for new business opportunities. Mining Investment Europe is a strategic mining conference and exhibition for the leaders of the mining, quarrying and […]

MINEX Europe 2019

Sofia sofia, Bulgaria

MINEX Europe has been held since 2015 and is one of the most prestigious and best-regarded mining events held in Eastern and Southern Europe. Annually, MINEX Europe brings together more than 200 senior executives from mining companies, representatives of ministries of mining, investment companies and banks, service companies and equipment manufacturers from Southeastern Europe and […]

ICLEI Resilient Cities 2019

Resilient Cities – The Annual Global Forum on Urban Resilience and Adaptation – is hosted every year in Bonn. In 2010 ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, the World Mayors Council on Climate Change and the City of Bonn, Germanylaunched Resilient Cities, the first forum on cities and adaptation to climate change (in 2012 renamed as Global Forum […]

15th Mining Forum

Berlin Berlin, Germany

The MiningForum brings together the industry’s top decision makers, experts and specialists every two years to discuss topics related to mining. The event offers a comprehensive panorama view of various complex topics related to raw materials. The increasingly international event has a long tradition and is well established in the mining industry. Every two years, renowned […]

Earth & Geo Science 2019 – 2nd International Conference on Earth Science & Geo Science, “Insight into Innovations in Earth System Sciences and Climate Change Challenges”

Prague, Czech Republic Prague, Czech Republic

The 2nd International Conference on Earth Science & Geo Science (Earth & Geo Science-2019), which will be held during August 12-13, 2019 in Prague, Czech Republic, is now an established event, attracting global participant’s intent on sharing, exchanging and exploring new avenues of Earth Science and related research and latest developments. The event will have 5-6 world level plenary speakers, established keynote […]

Future of Mining EMEA 2019

london , United Kingdom

The Future of Mining EMEA conference takes place at 8 Northumberland Avenue in London from 4-5 September and builds upon the existing Future of Mining event series across the globe with a strategic level commercial and operational agenda connecting the industry across Europe, Middle East and Africa to discuss the latest mining innovations and technologies. The […]

Potential and Limits of Geophysics for Mining Exploration

GALILEO-PARK Sauerland Pyramiden 4-7, Lennestadt/Meggen, Germany

Potential and Limits of Geophysics for Mining Exploration (5th Meggen Raw Material Days) September 13 EFG Endorsement Programme The worldwide mining exploration demands high quality and cost-effective geophysical methods. Nowadays, it is well understood that the application of one geophysical technique, only, is rarely sufficient to identify new ore deposits especially for deep mining projects. […]

European Minerals Day

Every two years the European Minerals Day gives the opportunity to the European-wide public to explore the world of minerals. It is a Pan-European awareness initiative by the European minerals sector and related organisation. In this edition, the European Minerals Days will focus on the integration of our minerals in the local (and broader) economies […]

UNEXMIN final conference

Brussels, Belgium Brussels, Belgium

About the event The Horizon 2020-funded UNEXMIN project will hold its final conference in Brussels on 26th September 2019. Project outcomes will be presented and discussed and a UX-1 robot will be demonstrated. The programme will include high-level discussions on raw materials policies, on how the UNEXMIN project supports both the policies and European industrial innovation, and on […]

IGF 15th Annual General Meeting: Mining in a Changing Climate

Geneva Geneva, Switzerland

This year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development (IGF), will be held October 7 to 11, 2019, at the Palais des Nations in Geneva and will focus on Mining in a Changing Climate. The AGM will include climate-related sessions that cover a broad range of topics, […]

Exploration Geochemistry Course

Levi Levi, Finland

Description With practically all of the world's near surface deposits being exposed, future discoveries will need to be made in areas with extensive transported cover. Geologists will need to use the most up to date tools, which include using geochemical exploration methods.  These two days of power point lectures will cover the topics of primary […]

7th Geology for Global Development Annual Conference

london , United Kingdom

EFG is partnering with the 7th Geology for Global Development Annual Conference which will take place on Friday 15 November 2019 at the Geological Society of London (Burlington House, London, UK). The topic is “SDG 3 - Health and Wellbeing” with themes including climate change impacts on mental health, groundwater in emergency contexts, mining and […]

EU Raw Materials Week

Brussels, Belgium Brussels, Belgium

The fourth edition of the EU "Raw Materials Week" will take place from Monday 18 to Friday 22 November 2019, in Brussels. It builds up on a series of events organised by the European Commission addressing the latest news on raw materials in the EU. It will be a unique opportunity for the raw materials […]

Rare Earth Element (REE) Sustainability and Criticality

Brussels, Belgium Brussels, Belgium

The conference will include, the success stories and industry efforts (Lynas-GQD-neoMagnequench-Grundfos) in relation to the best practices and benchmarking studies aligning the entire value chain of REE’s, thus enabling the awareness in terms of sustainability and transparency in the value chain.  Apart from this, the event will be given the chance to learn about the […]