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Mineral Exploration via Satellite Remote Sensing

This is a course endorsed by EFG. This course is included in the 6th Meggen Raw Material Days. This seminar explains the use of remote sensing and remotely sensed data in mineral exploration and in geology. The basic principles of satellite remote sensing will be explained in the mineral exploration context.  A general approach in mineral […]


Exploration and Evaluation of Geological Resources – Tools and Methods

This is a course endorsed by EFG. Exploration and Evaluation of Geological Resources – Tools and Methods / Prospeção e Avaliação de Recursos Geológicos – Ferramentas e Métodos Outline of content: This course has been designed to assign new skills or to allow the recycling of knowledge to all technicians involved in the Mining and Geological […]

GEO Business, Geospatial technology: shaping the future

london , United Kingdom

GEO Business is the UK’s largest geospatial event designed for everyone involved in the gathering, storing, processing and delivery of geospatial information.

WEBINAR SERIES: Towards a Responsible Supply Chain for Electronics – Webinar 1: Challenges in the copper supply chain

The current copper production is facing many challenges. Case studies in Zambia, Bulgaria and Namibia are showing large social and environmental impact. Witnesses  from local communities and monitoring data are showing the achilles heels of the extraction. However copper is highly demanded in current and future technological applications. New technological innovations are available, ready for upscaling […]

Raw Materials Summit 2020

Berlin Berlin, Germany

Metals, minerals and advanced materials are vital for the EU economy and are the key enablers for the clean energy transition and future mobility. The sustainable management of natural resources and the shift to a green economy are essential in achieving a resource-efficient and competitive economy in Europe. The online RM SUMMIT 2020 will envision […]

WEBINAR SERIES: Towards a Responsible Supply Chain for Electronics – Webinar 2: Artisanal and Small-scale Mining as part of a fair global supply chain

Artisanal and Small-scale Mining (ASM) represents the majority of the workforce engaged in mining activities worldwide. While it is often seen as an informal subsistence activity for local communities, ASM is actually very well integrated in the global metal supply chain. This kind of mining operation is sometimes referred to as the most ‘sustainable’ socio-economic way […]

WEBINAR SERIES: Towards a Responsible Supply Chain for Electronics – Webinar 3: Trade union rights in the global electronics industry: the case of Indonesia

The right to organise is often denied to workers in the electronics industry. In key electronics production sites like China and Vietnam, the only union that workers are allowed to join is the state-sanctioned union. But even in countries where union rights are protected by law, like Indonesia, workers often find it difficult to exercise […]

RawMatCop Academy

About RawMatCop Academy 2020 The RawMatCop Academy, Copernicus for RawMaterials, offers a hands-on approach and shows how to unlock the power of Copernicus for companies, organisations and research institutions along the entire life cycle of raw materials. During the online course, participants have the opportunity to work directly with Copernicus’ Sentinel satellite data and open-source […]

Kolloquium Forschungspartnerschaften Mineralrohstoffe

The Austrian Mining Society and the Austrian Federal Geological Survey are organising a virtual conference „Kolloquium Forschungspartnerschaften Mineralrohstoffe“ (in German) on November 5 and 6 2020. The programme is available here and registration is possible via the following link.

APPG Critical Minerals Virtual Event – Global Tailings Review

The APPG Critical Minerals in association with the Critical Minerals Association is hosting its first APPG Critical Minerals Virtual Event in support of the recent launch of the 'Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management.' The event will be moderated by the Bishop of Birmingham, David Urquhart with an introduction from Steve Double MP, Chair of […]

GeoERA Webinar Series: Towards a Geological Service for Europe

Whether it concerns reliable energy supply, access to raw materials for products we use in our day-to-day activities, clean groundwater sustaining society and biodiversity but threatened by climate change or safety in urban areas, many solutions lie dormant under the Earth’s surface or are directly connected to the subsurface. The Geological Surveys of Europe are […]

EU Raw Materials Week

Brussels, Belgium Brussels, Belgium

Responding to societal needs with 3-D geology: An international perspective

The Geological Survey of Canada, Illinois State Geological Survey, British Geological Survey, Alberta Geological Survey, Minnesota Geological Survey, and TNO, Geological Survey of the Netherlands have organized a two-part webinar series on how Geological Survey Organizations (GSOs) have been helping society face economic and environmental challenges for over 150 years. The technological transformation of geoscience […]

AGU Fall meeting

Everyone is new to this year’s Fall Meeting because it’s the first one that’s 100% online. From the design, time zones, technology and privacy and security details, there was a collective effort to creating our #AGU20 virtual experience. Success depends on having the full meeting content available, session chairs and presenters helping lead discussions, and […]

European Mining Convention

EMC 2020 - Virtual Edition will continue with the theme of sustainability, innovation and experience, signifying the need for strengthening global collaboration and technology exchange towards creating the sustainable future of the mining industry. The event will focus on sharing experience and technical know-how by bringing together global mining leaders in a seamless virtual environment […]

Webinar on “Critical Raw Materials and the Circular Economy”

On 9 December (3-5 PM CET), the European Commission will be co-hosting a webinar with the World Bank on “Critical Raw Materials and the Circular Economy”. The webinar, which is part of a World Bank learning series on Circular Economy and Private Sector Development, will discuss the increasing pressures on downstream technology companies, present circular […]

REIA 3rd LCA Workshop: Scaling Rare Earths for a Sustainable World

Rare earths are critical metals, which various green technologies heavily depend on. How to scale rare earth industry for our sustainable future? At present, there is no single environmental footprint representing the rare earth sector. Thus, when the industry and its consumers wish to market themselves as environmentally friendly, they face a confusing range of […]

RE-SOURCING Opening Conference

The EU Green New Deal will lead to a significant increase in the consumption of mineral resources, which are the material backbone of many green technologies. At the same time, new legal requirements and policy strategies at the EU and national levels require adherence to increasingly stringent environmental and social standards, strongly influencing the sourcing […]

The EU-UK Trade Deal and Critical Minerals Supply Chains Post-Brexit

On the 1st of January 2021, the UK left the European Union. What does this mean for critical minerals and supply chains? The Critical Minerals Association in collaboration with the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Critical Minerals is organising an exclusive discussion with: -> Steve Double MP, Newquay & St Austell, Chair of the […]

Earth materials: the foundation for development

Earth materials: the foundation for development - Jan 26, 2021 Start time: 05.00 (Vancouver) * 08.00 (Toronto, Lima) * 13.00 (London) * 14.00 (Paris, Lagos) * 15.00 (Johannesburg) * 16.00 (Nairobi) * 18.30 (Mumbai) * 19.00 (Dhaka) * 21.00 (Beijing) * 22.00 (Tokyo) * 00.00+1 (Sydney). Introductory remarks from Dr. Shamila Nair-Bedouelle, Assistant Director-General for Natural […]

Climate neutrality, the circular economy, and earth materials

Start time: 07.00 (Vancouver) * 10.00 (Toronto, Lima) * 15.00 (London) * 16.00 (Paris, Lagos) * 17.00 (Johannesburg) * 18.00 (Nairobi) * 20.30 (Mumbai) * 21.00 (Dhaka) * 23.00 (Beijing) * 00.00+1 (Tokyo) * 02.00+1 (Sydney) Speakers Prof. John Thompson, PetraScience Consultants, Vancouver, Canada and Honorary Professor of Sustainable Resources, University of Bristol, UK. Prof. Frances […]

The neglected minerals and materials of development

Start time: 01.00 (Vancouver) * 04.00 (Toronto, Lima) * 09.00 (London) * 10.00 (Paris, Lagos) * 11.00 (Johannesburg) * 12.00 (Nairobi) * 14.30 (Mumbai) * 15.00 (Dhaka) * 17.00 (Beijing) * 18.00 (Tokyo) * 20.00 (Sydney) Speaker •    Prof. Daniel Franks Program Leader, Sustainable Minerals Institute, University of Queensland, Australia. Materials produced and consumed locally (in […]

EFG Webinar on Minerals: Prospect Generator Business Model


  Prospect generation is one of the most attractive business models in the mining industry. This webinar aims to reveal this model, its benefits as well as its difficulties in running the business in different areas and geopolitical regions. The coordinator of the EFG Panel of Experts on Minerals and their sustainable use, Markku Iljina, […]

Advances in critical mineral research: A forum in memory of Victor Labson

New critical mineral deposits are required to secure the supply of natural resources that are used in today’s advanced technologies. The discovery and sustainable development of these new deposits represents a global chal­lenge. Governments and international geological survey organizations are responding by improved multinational cooperation, data sharing, and through investments in geoscientific research. This Critical […]

Mineral extraction and communities

Start time: 06.00 (Vancouver) * 09.00 (Toronto, Lima) * 14.00 (London) * 15.00 (Paris, Lagos) * 16.00 (Johannesburg) * 17.00 (Nairobi) * 19.30 (Mumbai) * 20.00 (Dhaka) * 22.00 (Beijing) * 23.00 (Tokyo) * 01.00+1 (Sydney) Speakers Dr Rajiv Maher, Research Professor, EGADE Business School del Technológico de Monterrey, Mexico. Dr Melba Kapesa Wasunna, External Affairs Manager, […]

ROBOMINERS webinar – Small and very-small scale #robotic #mining: deposit types and opportunities for Europe


On 18 February 2021, the ROBOMINERS project is organising a webinar on “Small and very-small scale robotic mining: deposit types and opportunities for Europe”. The aim of this virtual event is to: Provide an overview of abandoned mines in Europe and their potential (Eva Hartai, University of Miskolc) Outline the different steps from the discovery […]

Advances in critical mineral research: A forum in memory of Victor Labson

New critical mineral deposits are required to secure the supply of natural resources that are used in today’s advanced technologies. The discovery and sustainable development of these new deposits represents a global chal­lenge. Governments and international geological survey organizations are responding by improved multinational cooperation, data sharing, and through investments in geoscientific research. This Critical […]

EFG Webinar: Mineral resources of Sweden


On 24 February 2021, EFG is organising the webinar ‘Mineral resources of Sweden’. Sweden is well known for its raw material resources and active mining industry. Swedish ore production represents a significant part of the EU mining sector and the associated Swedish industry cluster producing mining equipment lists several companies of worldwide reputation. Historically iron […]

Advances in critical mineral research: A forum in memory of Victor Labson

New critical mineral deposits are required to secure the supply of natural resources that are used in today’s advanced technologies. The discovery and sustainable development of these new deposits represents a global chal­lenge. Governments and international geological survey organizations are responding by improved multinational cooperation, data sharing, and through investments in geoscientific research. This Critical […]

Hillhead Digital New Horizons I Building the Recovery Conference

Re-connect with the quarrying, construction and recycling industry this spring, at a free, two-day digital event. Choose from more than 40 seminars and gain invaluable insights into the key developments that are shaping the industry's future. Engage with the latest technology and innovation from 500 leading suppliers.

Earth materials and a sustainable future

Start time: 04.00 (Vancouver) * 07.00 (Toronto, Lima) * 12.00 (London) * 13.00 (Paris, Lagos) * 14.00 (Johannesburg) * 15.00 (Nairobi) * 17.30 (Mumbai) * 18.00 (Dhaka) * 20.00 (Beijing) * 21.00 (Tokyo) * 23.00 (Sydney) Speakers Prof. Murray Hitzman, Director, iCRAG, Dublin, Ireland. Prof. Hitzman directs the Irish Centre for Research in Applied Geosciences. Ms […]

CICERONE Final Conference

CICERONE is pleased to invite you to its final conference, online on 30 March 2021 at 14:00-16:00. This event will present an excellent opportunity to hear directly from the project partners on the results of the project, and experience first-hand the launch of the platform and its online portal.

EFG Webinar: EU Strategy to Secure Access to Mineral Raw Materials


On 8 April 2021, EFG is organising the webinar ‘EU Strategy to Secure Access to Mineral Raw Materials’. Vitor Correia, Past President of EFG and Secretary-General of the International Raw Materials Observatory will be the presenter of the webinar. The EU recently launched the European Raw Material Alliance, a partnership between industry players, EU countries […]


vEGU21 – Gather online

The EGU General Assembly 2021 will bring together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience.

An Introduction to Machine learning Workshop


This is a course endorsed by EFG. General description: The course is a comprehensive introduction to Machine learning technology in the mining industry, which will last 4 hours and run over two days. The workshop will encompass the theory of machine learning, exploring the concepts and uses of the technology. This will include a practical exercise, […]

Recycling mining waste, a new business?

Can the recycling of mining waste become a new business? That is the main question to be addressed in the Lunch Event & Debate organised by the Horizon2020 NEMO project. The event aims to present novel solutions for the treatment of mining waste, which comprises the combined recovery of valuables (metals, minerals) with waste volume […]

FMM Tallinn

This two day webinar, a digital version of FMM Tallinn, will consist of keynote sessions, seminars and talks where we meet up digitally and share knowledge about Exploration, Mining and Sustainable Management of the use of Critical Raw Materials, exploring how North Eastern Europe’s Critical Raw Materials Potential can contribute to the global transition towards […]

Mining & Sustainability Conference 2021


The open, online conferences on mining and sustainability are hosted by SGU within the international training programme on Mine Water and Mine Waste Management (ITP308). The conferences are open for anyone, especially organisations and stakeholders of the ITP308. The events will take place on the 7th of May and the 17th of June, 10:30 - […]

Responsible Raw Materials – ESG Toolbox

This year’s conference will be designed around the concept of the ‘ESG Toolbox’. Our aim is to create a platform to enable us to build on the knowledge shared and gained last year and provide you with tangible, practical tools to help meet your ESG objectives, embed that good practice, and sustain momentum towards a […]

Geochemical Interpretation Tools for Exploration and Mining Geologists: From A-horizon to Z-score


This is a course endorsed by EFG. The online course comprises approx. 11 hours of concise video lecture materials, which are subdivided into 12 study blocks. Each block requires to pass a short test, either in quiz or essay format, to successfully move on to the next block. A final exercise, comprising 40 independent study hours […]

Global Roundtable on Extractive Industries: Transforming the Sector into an Engine for Sustainable Development

Starting with the industrial revolution, our global economic system has been underpinned by the extraction of natural resources – notably fossil fuels – which accelerated the development trajectories of many advanced economies. Extractive industries can generate significant revenue for producing countries, creating major opportunities for growth for resource-rich countries. Yet extractive industries have also been […]

European Sustainable Phosphorus Conference

Vienna, Austria Vienna, Austria

The European Sustainable Phosphorus Conferences are the unique event bringing together companies, stakeholders, regional and national authorities, innovation and researchers, to discuss phosphorus and nutrients sustainability actions and policies.

Earth Observation in the Raw Materials Sector

EIT RawMaterials, HIF@HZDR, INFACT and TheiaX offer a two-week digital event dedicated to the use of Earth Observation data for the raw material sector. Take this unique opportunity to learn about the innovative EO techniques that will shape the raw material sector as it transitions to industry 4.0.

Is China taking control of African minerals? Geopolitics and raw materials

Chinese companies are far from taking control over African or global mining. In 2018, they control less than 7 % of total African mine production. Chinese investments in African mining of non-fuel minerals between 1995 and 2018 have contributed to production growth but it has also increased Chinese control over African mineral and metal production. […]

Mining & Sustainability Conference 2021


The open, online conferences on mining and sustainability are hosted by SGU within the international training programme on Mine Water and Mine Waste Management (ITP308). The conferences are open for anyone, especially organisations and stakeholders of the ITP308. The events will take place on the 7th of May and the 17th of June, 10:30 – […]

EIT Raw Materials Summit 2021

RawMaterials Summit 2021, the global innovation and technology conference in the raw materials sector, goes live on 17 June - this year in a new format and IN FOCUS! The event gathers prominent speakers from the raw materials value chain, key policymakers, and European Commission representatives. With more than 700 global participants last year, the […]

EU-Latin America responsible battery value chains

The EU-Latin America Partnership on Raw Materials project is hosting a yearly webinar series for MDNP members*. Each year, the webinars will address a diverse range of topics that are key to fostering responsible and sustainable non-energy extractive industries in both regions. The webinars will bring together experts from the EU and Latin America to share […]