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iCRAG 2021: Resources for a Sustainable Society

iCRAG2021: Resources for a Sustainable Society is a virtual research showcase of the Centre’s achievements and impacts since our establishment, and will highlight the new directions and research areas that the Centre will undertake in the coming years.

Strategies toward Green Deal Implementation Water, Raw Materials & Energy

The purpose of the International Conference on Strategies toward Green Deal Implementation – Water, Raw Materials & Energy (ICGreenDeal2021) is to present the issue of climate change and ways to prevent it eg. innovative solutions (technological, environmental, economic, and social) that can be implemented under the Green Deal Strategies. We invite you to submit papers in the field […]

GeoERA Concluding Conference & 125th Anniversary of the Geological Survey of Belgium

Brussels, Belgium Brussels, Belgium

GSB 125th Anniversary The Geological Survey of Belgium, now part of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, was established in December of 1896. Throughout that long history it has persistently been building expertise, preserving knowledge, and above all serving society. This was the stable foundation for what has proven to be a highly dynamic mission. […]

Critical raw materials: an essential building block for the future of Europe

Brussels, Belgium Brussels, Belgium

The EESC has carried out extensive work in the past years on topics linked to mining and raw materials. With the publication in September 2020 of the Commission's Action Plan on Critical Raw Materials, and building on the past experience, the EESC has been carrying out activity on this issue that included its opinion CCMI […]

An introduction to the CRIRSCO family of reporting codes – with special reference to the PERC Reporting Standard 2021

In collaboration with the Geological Society of London, PERC is organising an online training course in February and March 2022. The course will consist of seven separate 1-hour sessions covering the topics listed below. The option to participate in individual sessions will be offered for those who are not interested in the full course. Course […]

QAQC Applications in Mineral Exploration

This is a course endorsed by EFG OA/QC APPLICATIONS IN MINERAL EXPLORATION To register for this course, please get in contact with MJD here: iletiş The course has two modules: The Art of Fire Assay and the QAQC Applications in Mineral Exploration Trainer: Lynda Bloom, M.Sc., P.Geo. Date: 11 March 2022 The Art of Fire Assay: […]

27. International Mining Congress and Exhibition of Turkey IMCET2022

Antalya Antalya, Turkey

The main purpose of our congress is to create new opportunities for the development of solidarity and potential cooperation among academics, researchers, engineers and also industry professionals from all fields of mining as well as the discussion of scientific and technical issues. It is expected that more than 1000 delegates and more than 200 companies […]

Global Rare Earths Summit 2022

 This leading virtual summit will provide a forum where senior policy members, mining, financial and supply chain executives can discuss how to manage the supply/demand squeeze for rare earths and meet the global need for a swift and responsible transition to green energy. Rare earth elements have grown in popularity over the past 20 years […]

Practices to People: Introduction to Community Communication for Exploration Geologists.

This April 4th and 5th, People and Mining in a collaboration with Ore Deposits Hub and the Social Practice Forum are organising a new virtual workshop called Practices to People: Introduction to Community Communication for Exploration Geologists. The workshop aims to improve community communication awareness and education of exploration geologists, especially those in their early career. The workshop will run over […]

Energy Transition Discussion Meeting

The Energy Transition Discussion Meeting is a 2-day Hybrid conference which aims to identify what Geoscience needs to do now to meet the net zero targets in a fair and sustainable way - to support policy, business and innovation, and in parallel develop new scientific and engineering knowledge and solutions. It will connect and engage […]

2022 Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains

The 15th Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains will be held virtually on 2-6 May 2022 and will bring together representatives from government, business, and civil society. Plenary sessions will take place at 11h30-12h45 and 13h30-14.45 CET, while partner-led sessions will take place in the mornings and afternoons. The Forum will provide the opportunity to review and discuss the […]

DIM ESEE-2 spin-off workshop for students: Innovation in exploration

Join us for a 3-day workshop Innovation in exploration focused on innovative solutions for mineral prospecting and exploration, combined with field workdemonstrations, delivered on the following topics by university and industry experts:1. Main challenges and needs in innovative mineral exploration and robotization;2. Remote-sensing- and sensor-based techniques and their application in the geochemical and geological exploration;3. […]

Responsible Raw Materials 2022

This year's theme will be all about showcasing 'Mining as a Core Enabler for the 'Just Transition''. This year's theme will be all about showcasing 'Mining as a Core Enabler for the 'Just Transition''. This year's theme will be all about showcasing 'Mining as a Core Enabler for the 'Just Transition''.

Mineral deposits safeguarding as a basis of mineral raw materials safety

Krakow Krakow, Poland

International Conference „Mineral deposits safeguarding as a basis of mineral raw materials safety” is supposed to be a place of meeting of scientists, researchers, policy makers, representatives of authorities, representatives of economic entities (including mining companies), NGOs, and other stakeholders related to mineral deposits safeguarding, mineral policy and land use policy. This Conference aims to promote effective […]

(Re)Mining Extractive Waste, a new Business?

Mechelen Mechelen, Belgium

The 2-day symposium gathers leading experts in the field of mining and/or remining of extractive waste. The latest evolutions in the field, novel concepts and business cases will be presented, including case studies from both historical and active mining sites. The target public comprises industry, academia, policy makers and civil society. The event is organized […]

4th Raw Materials Summit

As Europe’s premier raw materials event, the RM Summit provides a holistic view of the raw materials ecosystem in the EU and beyond. Bringing together representatives from industry, policymakers, academia, investors and civil society from across Europe and further afield, the 4th RawMaterials Summit will take place in Berlin from 23-25 May 2022. The event will […]

EGU 2022 General Assembly

Vienna, Austria Vienna, Austria

Taking place on 3-8 April the EGU 2022 General Assembly, will bring together geoscientists from all over the world for an hybrid meeting covering all disciplines in the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. EGU aims to provide a welcoming, inclusive, and safe forum where scientists, especially early career scientists, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts […]

Living Planet Symposium

Bonn Bonn, Germany

This symposium focuses on how Earth observation contributes to science and society, and how disruptive technologies and actors are changing the traditional Earth observation landscape, which is also creating new opportunities for public and private sector interactions.

MDNP Webinar: Analysis of minerals necessary for the transition to a climate-neutral economy

The EU-Latin America Partnership on Raw Materials project is hosting a yearly webinar series for MDNP members*. Each year, the webinars will address a diverse range of topics that are key to fostering responsible and sustainable non-energy extractive industries in both regions. The webinars will bring together experts from the EU and Latin America to share […]

Mineral Resource Estimation

This is a course endorsed by EFG Mineral Resource Estimation To register for this course, please get in contact with MJD here iletiş or here Content of the course: Mineral Resource and Reserve concepts Importance for the industry The necessity and importance of a geological model for a reliable mineral resource estimation Preparing a report […]

Mineral Resource Estimation

This is a course endorsed by EFG Mineral Resource Estimation To register for this course, please get in contact with MJD here iletiş or here Content of the course: Mineral Resource and Reserve concepts Importance for the industry The necessity and importance of a geological model for a reliable mineral resource estimation Preparing a report […]

Mineral Resource Estimation

This is a course endorsed by EFG Mineral Resource Estimation To register for this course, please get in contact with MJD here iletiş or here Content of the course: Mineral Resource and Reserve concepts Importance for the industry The necessity and importance of a geological model for a reliable mineral resource estimation Preparing a report […]

Mineral Resource Estimation

This is a course endorsed by EFG Mineral Resource Estimation To register for this course, please get in contact with MJD here iletiş or here Content of the course: Mineral Resource and Reserve concepts Importance for the industry The necessity and importance of a geological model for a reliable mineral resource estimation Preparing a report […]

Extractive Industry Geology 2022

Exeter Exeter, United Kingdom

The Extractive Industry Geology (EIG) conference is one of the longest running and most keenly anticipated events in the UK minerals industry calendar. Organised by a passionate volunteer group of professionals representing all aspects of the industry, this is one conference that anyone connected to UK minerals should not miss! The EIG Conference is the […]

AIPG National Conference

Marquette Marquette, United States

This year’s meeting theme is “Geology: The Cornerstone of our Future”. Geology plays a significant role in today’s society and will become ever more important in the years to come. Our reliance on basic resources and building materials such as sand and gravel for roads, limestone for concrete, iron for structural purposes, and other base […]

Anniversary meeting of the Geological Society of Sweden

Uppsala Uppsala, Sweden

In 2021 it is 150 years since the Geological Society of Sweden was founded. We will commemorate this by organising an anniversary meeting to be held in Uppsala from 17–19  August 2021. Our ambition is that the meeting will be of interest to all geoscientists who are active in Sweden or that have an interest […]

Learning from the ground: Why geosciences matter for future generations

Museum of Natural Sciences Rue Vautier 29, Brussels, Belgium

Even though it is vital for our life, geoscience is not a core subject in public education. However, the knowledge of geosciences helps us to manage energy, minerals and water – the resources which are essential for human life. The basic aim of this conference is to emphasise the importance of geosciences for future generations. Topics […]

DIM ESEE-2 innovation in process-oriented orebody characterization

Dubrovnik , Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

DIM ESEE v.2: Implementing innovations is a lifelong learning project focused on rising innovativeness among raw materials professionals in the region of Eastern and Southeastern Europe (ESEE), and is based on positive results and success of previous DIM ESEE school (2016-2020). The aim is to enhance entrepreneurial and innovative capacity of the region’s higher education […]

Mines and caves: geological and touristic heritage

Pulpi Pulpi, Spain

The Congress on Spanish Tourist Caves, a must for professionals in the world of subsurface tourism, celebrates its eighth edition in the Andalusian town of Pulpí. CUEVATUR is the meeting point and exchange of experiences of subsurface tourism professionals, a sector that has become an important sector of sustainable tourism and nature and heritage, as […]

2022 Conference of the International Mine Water Association

Christchurch Christchurch, New Zealand

Our programme will include the broad water management themes typical of an IMWA congress and we will be showcasing our world leading research and deployment of innovative passive treatment technologies, excellence in waste rock and tailings storage, world class surface water and groundwater prediction and monitoring along with spectacular geochemistry.

Reality check on Responsible Sourcing – Trends, obstacles and opportunities

Dive into some of the most urgent developments and challenges in the field of Responsible Sourcing for mineral raw materials: Stress test for Responsible Sourcing? In-between our 2050 ambitions and economic resilience in view of rising geopolitical tensions. Local priorities for global Responsible Sourcing: What are the differences & synergies between Latin America and the EU Technological […]

EU Raw Materials Week

The 7th edition of the "Raw Materials Week" will take place from 14 to 18 November 2022 as physical and online events, gathering a wide range of stakeholders discussing policies and initiatives in the field of raw materials. For further information about the programme, click here:

MedGU Annual Meeting

Marrakesh Marrakesh, Morocco

MedGU-22 WILL GO AHEAD IN-PERSON & ONLINE THIS NOVEMBER IN MARRAKECH. After the remarkable successes of the 1st CAJG, 2nd CAJG and 3rd CAJG, it became obvious that there was a need to create a larger and more comprehensive international geoscience conference, one that would bring together even more participants from all over the world and cover a wide range of topics from all the […]

Space Resources Week

Luxembourg Luxembourg, Luxembourg

The space resources community in growing and this is clear from the increasing number of contributors and participants we have seen attending our Space Resources Week events since 2018. The Space Resources Week 2022 attracted 300 people on-site in Luxembourg and close to 700 people online. The next edition of Space Resources Week will take […]

Raw Materials Summit

Brussels Brussels, Belgium

The 5th edition of the Raw Materials Summit will take place from 15-17 May 2023 at The Egg, Brussels, Belgium, and will feature leading players in the international raw materials industry, innovators, educators, researchers, prominent figures from the European Commission, NGOs, and more. Key discussions on the major innovations, policy initiatives, challenges and opportunities facing […]

RawMatCop Academy: Advanced course on earth observation for the raw materials sector

This course is endorsed by EFG. Information on the course content and details, and the registration form are managed through the course website: Dates of the course: 26‑30 June 2023 (In-Person Course). Bologna, Italy. Advanced course topics Efficient handling of time series and large geospatial datasets Analyzing satellite data in a scalable manner for the complex raw […]

World Mining Congress (WMC)

The World Mining Congress 2023 (WMC) is a unique opportunity for international representatives of the world’s leading resource economies to meet, find new partners, discuss current challenges, and share the latest research, technology and best practice. WMC events have set the scene for international agreements and high-level discussions that have influenced mining practices and the […]

Geofluid – drilling and Foundation Exhibition

Piacenza Piacenza, Italy

In 2023, GEOFLUID celebrates 45 years of activity, forty-five years alongside the companies and industry operators as a showcase of technological evolution and of the reference market. In recent years, the event has been steadily and gradually growing as for the exhibition offer, with a high degree of professional qualification and internationality, without departing from its core […]

SEG 2023 Conference: Resourcing the Green Transition

London London, United Kingdom

Mineral resources are critical to supporting sustainable development and ensuring the well-being of the world's expanding population. SEG 2023 will address the major challenges presented by the accelerated consumption of energy transition and other strategic metals. The context is global, with a spotlight on the European dimension in terms of metallogenic domains, past and future […]

FEM 2023

Levi Levi, Finland

The biannual FEM, founded in 1998, brings together over thousand exploration and mining industry leaders, experts and researchers from over 30 countries. FEM highlights exploration and mining in Fennoscandia. In addition to Nordic experts, the conference will feature many international speakers, including top names, corporate management in the field, researchers and specialists from e.g. Canada […]

EFG Webinar: Mine Measure: IRMA’s Self-Assessment and Audit Preparation Tool


On 21 November 2023, EFG is organising the webinar ‘Mine Measure: IRMA’s Self-Assessment and Audit Preparation Tool’. The event is scheduled from 16:00 to 17:00 CET (Brussels time). EFG Past President and Secretary-General of the International Raw Materials Observatory, Vitor Correia, will be the host of the session. The speakers of the session from IRMA will be Aquinar […]

EIT Raw Materials Summit

Brussels, Belgium Brussels, Belgium

EFG is again a media partner of the EIT Raw Materials Summit and we are glad to announce that all members of our National Associations benefit from a 10 % reduction on the registration fees. Taking place from May 14-16, 2024, at The Egg conference venue in Brussels, the summit will gather over 1,000 industry […]

IGI Conference: Climate & Sustainability – the responsibility of the Geoscientist

Dublin Dublin, Ireland

The Institute of Geologists of Ireland (IGI) are excited to announce their 2024 conference around the theme of Climate and Sustainability on 23 May and 24 May 2024. Geoscientists play a crucial role in addressing climate change and promoting sustainability through their interdisciplinary approach to understanding the Earth’s systems. The objective of the conference is […]

PERC training on International Mineral Reporting Standards

The Pan European Reserves and Resources Reporting Committee (PERC), in collaboration with the Consiglio Nazionale Dei Geologi (CNG) and EFG, is organising an online training course on International Mineral Reporting Standards on 4 and 5 June 2024. The 2-day course “Mineral Reporting Standards: Introduction to their principles and application” will be held as an online-only […]

EFG Academy: Resource Modelling using Leapfrog Geo

Join our online live course, jointly organised by ICOG and EFG on "Resource Modelling using Leapfrog Geo", from 16-19 September (15 instructional hours in total). Learn key workflows, data integration, geological modelling, drillhole planning, and more. Ideal for geologists, geological engineers, and mining engineers. Delivery:  The training will take place virtually from Monday to Thursday […]